Monday, June 12, 2006

It's Time!!

I'll be staying up late tonight to watch the Socceroos do their thing against Japan!! Our first World Cup game in 32 years, and only the second time ever we have made the World Cup finals!

Go the Aussies!


  1. You little ripper!!!!!

    3-1 to Australia, with 3 goals in about 7 minutes to win the game! In fact, the first ever goals scored by Australia in the World Cup finals!!

    Bring on Brazil!

  2. I love football!!!! mehehe, but I have so many teams to root for it's time consuming! not to mention kind of crazy when two of my favorite teams face off. LOL.

  3. I SAW THIS GAME! I was so rootin' ya'll on!!! Tim Cahill's first goal in this game was unbelievable!
