Saturday, October 04, 2008

Little Gordon

I don't remember where I first saw these, but I wish I could so I could thank the person! I find them very funny, and I don't even watch any of Gordon Ramsey's shows!

Little Gordon 1

Little Gordon 2

Little Gordon 3

And just because it made me laugh this morning when I saw it:

more animals


  1. Lol. OMG. I love Gordon Ramsey's shows. He really can act just like that kid in the video but then turn around two seconds later and be incredibly nice. He really does seem to care. I mean, you get that mad, you'd have to care right? I wonder if he's ever seen these himself lol?

  2. Oh goodness...that was hysterical! That little boy looks just like him! Thanks for posting...nice to laugh on a Monday morning.
