Sunday, April 07, 2024

Six Degrees of Separation: Lonely Planet: France to Christmas Pudding

Welcome to this month's edition of Six Degrees of Separation, which is a monthly meme hosted by Kate from Books Are My Favourite and Best.  The idea is to start with a specific book and make a series of links from one book to the next using whatever link you can find and see where you end up after six links.  I am also linking this post up with The Sunday Salon, hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz. 


This month the starting point is a bit different. Kate's instructions are to "look to your bookshelf – do you see a Lonely Planet title there? Or an Eyewitness Travel title? Or any other travel guide? That’s your starting book."

So, quelle surprise, the only travel guide we own is this one

I wasn't really sure what direction to go with this one. I mean, I have read dozens of books set in France over the years.

Let's see how this goes. Let's go on a French Adventure.

Of course, before we do any kind of planning there is definitely dreaming about the trip!

But before we go on an adventure maybe we should start with some French Lessons. I have started using Doulingo to learn some French. Not sure I will be conversational next time we get to France, but I will have some idea what is going on at least.

When we are planning things to do, then maybe some cooking lessons at The Paris Cooking School might be one of the options.

Maybe I could buy a cookbook from a little Paris Bookshop.

We were in Paris just over a year ago, and this is the book that I actually bought form Shakespeare & Co.

Next month the starting point is The Anniversary by Stephanie Bishop


  1. What a great chain!
    I'm always fascinated by the English books that get stocked in bookshops in foreign countries. Usually the classics, some bestsellers and others that I suspect that they guess a tourist might want. In Indonesia, they had heaps of Agatha Christie crime novels, which is weird because they're mostly set in English country houses which have no equivalent in Indonesia and must be really hard to imagine unless they've seen BBC TV shows. (I know when I was there at university my tutor just could not imagine the kind of house I live in.)

    1. When I lived in the UK, everyone was surprised when I said not everyone lives in a house like those in Neighbours! lol

  2. Very nicely done, this chain. O-la-la! I enjoyed Paris on my visits there, but one day I'd like to get out into the countryside and visit other areas of France. (I should take my sister, since she might be able to speak with the people better than I ever could!)

    1. Last time we went to France we visited Normany and the Loire. I would love to go and visit more places in the country

  3. What an imaginative chain! I hope to go to France sometime. I'll certainly be popping into the bookstores to see what unusual picks I can get there.

  4. You did great! I had forgotten about this meme. Have a great week!

  5. I love the way you put this chain together. So clever. And I liked that you added a Nancy Mitford book at the end. I have only read The Pursuit of Love.

  6. What a fun chain! It made me want to go France :-). Maybe I'll skip the cook books and just eat lots of good food while I am there.

  7. I was lucky enough to find the Nancy Mitford in an Air BNB at Christmas in Tetbury in the UK - and (after checking with the owner) swapped it for a Liane Moriarty that I was not enjoying. I picked up a copy of John Baxter's Paris, A Moveable Feast at Shakespeare & Co when we were there - it cost me 5E & I wouldn't have seen it if I hadn't had to use the loos as it was on a bookshelf hidden away there.

  8. Love how you connected all these. The books sound great, too. Hope you have a nice week.

  9. Nice chain! Shakespeare & Co. was one of the first places I went when I visited Paris (I donated the books I had read on the plane but I don't think I bought anything).

    1. We were staying near there so got to look at the queue at the door several times

  10. I have The Little Paris Bookshop in my e-reader to read! It has been a long time since I was in Paris, and on our last visit we went to Shakespeare & Co.

  11. I feel like I have just taken a lovely little trip around France. I especially like how you finished your chain.


    1. I didn't think you would mind a little trip to France Deb!
