Monday, May 25, 2020

This week....

I'm reading....

Yesterday it was announced that more of our restrictions are going to be partially lifted with effect from 1 June. While we are still going to be working from home for a while longer, we will be able to go out to cafes and have 20 people in our homes amongst other things. We won't mention how stressful I would find it have 20 people here but the thought that we can is good I guess. One of the changes is that libraries will be able to open again. Now I have a pile of library books here to be returned but I do have two that I haven't read yet. So that is why I started reading Palace of Tears by Julian Leatherdale. He is a new to me Australian author who has several books out now, but unfortunately there will be no more as he recently passed away.

I am also about two thirds of the way through The Railway Girls which I talked about last week, and I am about half way through The Good Turn on audiobook as well, which I am enjoying.

I'm watching....

We started watching The Great this weekend. What a crazy bonkers show that is, but it is FUN! And the costumes are amazing! At the beginning of each episode it says "occasionally true" and that is the spirit it should be taken in. The tongue is firmly in cheek most of the time but it is a joy to watch!

The other thing that was a joy to watch this weekend was the One Night Lonely concert which was streamed on Youtube featuring Aussie music legends Powderfinger. This band came to the fore in the late 1990s when I was living overseas. A friend sent me a mix tape (remember those) which featured Powderfinger and other bands like Silverchair but I have to confess I didn't really get Powderfinger until after they had been around for a long time, but once I got them, I really got them. I used to quite regularly just start with an album and work my way through them all while I was working. I never really got Silverchair.

I was lucky enough to go to see Powderfinger perform live on their final tour and it was one of my favourite concert events ever! It was so amazing to see them live, in front of their excited fans. The atmosphere was phenomenal. The only downside to that concert was the fact that as soon as the encore had finished and the lights came up, the stadium played Just Can't Get Enough by Devo. Talk about an unwanted earworm when you just wanted to walk out of the stadium singing some of the songs you heard!! I posted about the concert here.

Anyway, the One Night Lonely thing was great. It was so good to see them performing together and you would never have thought they had been split up for 10 years. They just sounded so good. The only problem with this show - it was only 35 minutes long which was way too short. I ended up watching it on the Saturday night and then watched it again on Sunday night just because I could!

This video is Powderfinger singing These Days in their final concert before they split up.

In life...

Last week was a better week emotionally in working from home land, but it was crazy busy and I know that I am slipping into the bad habit of working later than I should just because I can. And I am also guilty of thinking about just going and doing a few hours over the weekend. I haven't yet been guilty of actually going and doing that but I can see it happening.

We did our second jigsaw this week. I bought it on a whim a few weeks ago when I saw it on Facebook. It actually was not as difficult as we thought it would be. We (and by we I mean me) have bought another 4 jigsaws. Some of them are a couple of months away as they are being sold through Kickstarter but the other one should be here any day now really. And then we still have a couple here to do. I do have to not set them up to do too regularly as my husband still can't walk past the jigsaw without stopping to put pieces in.

Posts from the last week

Weekend Cooking: Cottage Allotment Pie (Jamie Oliver)
Alphabet 2020: H is for Heater
Top Ten Tuesday: Reasons Why I Love Historical Fiction

I've linked this post to It's Monday, what are you reading? as hosted by Book Date


  1. Here in Montana we have been able to dine out for a couple of weeks now, but once the June 1, restrictions lift, we hope to take our little trailer out on it's maiden voyage. That puzzle looks difficult to me...

    1. I am looking forward to being able to go on an overnight trip Melynda!

  2. That puzzle does look like it should be challenging. Never done a non-rectangular puzzle before and it's something I'd like to try someday.

    A lot of places are opening up here but not the library for some reason. I so hope they open soon.

    1. There are lots of interesting puzzles out there Athira. Recently I saw some seahorse shaped ones which look interesting

  3. I work in a library, and we've basically been given permission to open at our own pace. For now that means curbside everything. It's been a CRAZY couple weeks getting ready and testing even that, so I have to say I'm grateful that there isn't a rush. I'm also grateful that I'm only doing limited work at home now, because my focus is the great mythical beast of the last couple months. I've heard it might exist, but I've seen no evidence.

    The puzzle looks great. I like ones that have obvious and separated color differences. It makes sorting the pieces so much better. I haven't done a puzzle in forever (I started the last one on New year's Eve and it was destroyed beyond revival - and before completion - by kids and animals by the next day). All these pics of puzzles on social media are making me a tad jealous.

    Happy reading!

    1. The fact that you can group the pieces into colour groups is what made it a bit easier than we expected Jo.

  4. We have just gone to 100 on Friday for Church etc. That puzzle looks amazing. I had good thoughts of doing puzzles but have one unfinished one sitting here and its only a 500!

  5. It's tough when good bands break up! I don't much about Powderfinger .... should I get their Best Of album or should I get the One Night Lonely show?A 35 minute show seems terribly short! Kudos on the puzzle.

    1. It was very short given that so many people were waiting for the reconciliation!

  6. We seem to be further behind your reopening timeline. Our restaurants can reopen with limited numbers and only outside seating on June 1. The Mall has reopened but most stores within it have not. Of course, Minnesota hasn't reached its peak of cases yet. I'm still staying home which isn't much of a change from pre-Covid days. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. Kathy, I think our reopenings are probably about the same. Victoria, the state I live in, seems to be the slowest to loosen the restictions.

  7. Palace of Tears looks good! I'm good about working from 8 to 4 each day. My weekends are precious so no working at all!

  8. That's an awesome puzzle! It looks pretty difficult, but I say that about every puzzle when I first start it. :)

  9. I love the cover of Palace of Tears. I hope you are enjoying it. We are starting to open up more here as well. Restaurants are allowing people to dine in and even our indoor malls are re-opening. I am not sure I will be taking advantage of either soon though. I see too many people not taking safety precautions which are still highly recommended.

    I understand the urge to work longer when working from home. I find myself doing that too. I start earlier. I work later. It's so tempting . . . The days I work in the office though, I want nothing more than to race out the door at the end of my shift. I just want to get home as soon as I can. Days in the office seem to feel longer than the days I am working from home.

    I miss doing puzzles. We do small ones that we can do in one sitting and clean up right away. Our cats make it hard to work on one that would take longer. I want to get one of those roll up mats that are supposed to help in instances like that.

    I hope you have a great week! Stay safe and well.

    1. We are lucky that we can just leave the puzzle out until it is done. It generally stays there for a couple of days until Robert packs it up!

  10. It's funny how addictive jigsaw puzzles can be! I understand about working longer than you should. I took today off completely (a Monday holiday in the U.S.) and didn't check email or doing anything other than check on the library Facebook page and respond to one person there.

    1. We have a long weekend coming up. I am actually thinking about taking the Friday as well so I will have a four day weekend!

  11. I really liked Palace of Tears, I was sad to learn of the authors recent passing.
    I love browsing Kickstarter even though I never have the funds spare to invest in any of them.

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. I haven't done much on Kickstarter before but my husband has been known to do more.

  12. So good hearing Powderfinger again. They haven't lost a thing. I'd love to see a reunion tour....

    I'm curious about the other jigsaws.

    1. They were so good weren't they Bree! I have watched them a couple of times now!
