Saturday, December 24, 2022

Weekend Cooking: What we ate on holiday - Part 1

As I mentioned in my last post, I am currently in the Netherlands. We arrived last Sunday night after two extremely long flights. The first from Melbourne to Dubai was 14 hours and then the second flight from Dubai to Amsterdam was another 8 hours. My brother in law and his family live in a town about an hour outside of Amsterdam, and my parents in law are here from South Africa as well. It is the first time that my husband will have Christmas with his parentss and brother in at least 15 years so it is kind of special.

For today's Weekend Cooking post, I thought I would talk about a few different things from our trip so far. You can expect more over the coming weeks.

The last couple of times we flew long haul flights to the US I was quite disappointed in the food that we were served. We got to our  destination and we were hungry. However, that was not the case with these flights. We flew with Emirates and the food was pretty good and there was plenty!  

The first time we went to the supermarket, my husband was very excited. There are many foods of Dutch origin that it isn't easy to obtain in Australia or they are very expensive so we spent quite some time wandering through the supermarket looking at items that bought back childhood memories.

One item that we did buy was Komijnekaas which is cheese that is flavoured with cumin. My husband tells me that we can get it in Australia but I have never seen it, or even looked for it for that matter! We have had this on toast for breakfast most of this week and it is delicious!

One flavour that is very prevalent here is apple. Since we have been here so far we have had a modern interpretation of apple pie, as well as apple ball and apple strudel. The apple ball is very interesting. It is slices of apple that is layered with vanilla sauce and then rolled in a crunch coating. It was delicious!

We often eat croquette and have tried various different types over the last couple of years. We have talked about trying to make croquettes but my huband tells met that it is quite a production and takes a lot of time and effort.

When we visited The Hague, I decided it was time to have proper Dutch croquettes and they were absolutely delicious. In this case, they were served with really fresh bread, mustard and a little slaw.

There are still a number of things that I would like to try before we leave The Netherlands, including freshly made stroopewaffels and olliebollen. Olliebollen is traditionally eaten at New Years. My husband did tell me that we are not here at the right time of year, but given that it is only a week until New Year's Eve and we are going to be France then, I think that we can have them a few days early!

One thing we will definitely be having moreof before we head to France is hot chocolate! Oh my goodness, they are good here. My husband is very happy because usually the hot chocolate comes laden with proper cream, and cream is one of his favourite things.

I am sure that we will also take the opportunity to try other Dutch foods before we move onto France!

To those of you who celebrate I wish you a very happy Christmas!

Weekend Cooking is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book reviews (novel, nonfiction), cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs, restaurant reviews, travel information, or fun food facts. If your post is even vaguely foodie, feel free to grab the button and link up anytime over the weekend. You do not have to post on the weekend. Please link to your specific post, not your blog's home page


  1. Enjoy your trip and Merry Christmas!

  2. Thanks Judee! Thank for your ongoing support of Weekend Cooking

  3. All the food photos look so good. What a great adventure and I know your husband enjoyed seeing familiar things from his childhood.

  4. Oh wow all that food sounds and looks delicious! I especially would like to eat the apple ball with vanilla cream and crunch coating and that hot chocolate! Can't wait to see and hear what you eat in France!!!!
