A new meme from Becky.
February is Library Lovers Month, so to celebrate I thought I'd try to start a new meme going around about the library. I know one went around last year. I answered it. But I'll try to think of new questions. I'd really appreciate it if you'd play along :)
How do you plan on celebrating Library Lovers month? I don't know about celebrating Library Lovers Month.....perhaps I will pledge not to return anything else late for the rest of the month and to visit more than once a week!
How often do you accidentally spell library as 'libary' when you're in a hurry? You know, this isn't one of my regular typos. I do have plenty of others though!
What is the most amount of books you've ever had checked out at one time? Not so long ago I had 53 items out from my library. Now I am down to only 45. Go me! I think it was on Danielle's blog I saw a comment from someone that said they were only allowed to borrow four items at a time. I don't know how I would cope if my library had that rule. I guess I would just have to read more books that I own. Each time I get towards the next milestone in terms of numbers of books out I sweat it a little bit thinking that I have got to the point where the librarian is going to say...and don't you think you are just being a little greedy now, but I haven't got to that point yet apparently.
What is the longest you've ever gone without visiting the library? I went for years without visiting a library. I think it was probably 10 or 11 years. When I first started working I bought every book I read - you know how it is when you are young and frivolous and you basically have almost no financial commitments. Then I went through a period of 7 years where I barely read a book at all. Once I did start reading again I started buying books as well, but things have changed substantially now, so I try to control my buying a bit more and borrow the vast majority of the books that I read. I just can't afford to buy 200+ books a year.
What is the biggest fine you've ever had? Err - at one stage I had a fine of about $20 or so after I temporarily mislocated a book (and blamed the gremlins). Sometimes it gets up to $10 or so but that is usually because I have extended a game online and now have to pay it. Now my son on the other hand has a fine of about $32 at the moment because it took him months to return some books. Is it wrong to blame the 9 year old for that?
When you go to the library, do you plan ahead and make a list? Or do you browse?
I make extensive use of my library's online catalogue, and usually have requested all the books that I want, so I go in to the holds section pick them up, and then leave again, although I do usually make a detour past the books that they have on displays and the new books displays...just to see if there is something interesting there or not.
Have you ever been shushed or hushed by a librarian? Not that I can think of.
What is the worst (against-the-rules) thing you've ever done in the library? I can't think of anything particularly bad - except for maybe losing my cool with the aforementioned child when he cracked the sulks because I wouldn't borrow another game for him.
What's the worst thing you've ever done to a library book? I was going to be all righteous and say that I take pretty good care of my library books, but then tonight I was driving along and had to stop suddenly and the drink of the front seat fell over and spilt on my bag...and on the side of my library book! Whoops.
Have you ever had a "favorite" librarian? Not that I can recall. There are certain ladies at my library that I prefer to be served by, but other than that not really.
If you could change one thing about your library it would be... I am generally pretty happy with my library. If there is anything I guess I would like to see a bit more interactivity - maybe a board or something where you could get reader recommendations, or a little more adaptability on the website. Oh, and could they please hurry up and order those books that I am waiting for. If they look at their website stats they will see the same searches over and over again...those are me! Oh, and they could do with a little more expansion of the romance section!
In closing, I found this cartoon over at Booklust, and I thought it was very fitting to post with this meme. Thanks to Patricia Storms for allowing me to use it.

I love that cartoon. Cute!
ReplyDeleteI can't imagine only being able to check out four books at a time either! Of course at the rate I read it would probably be better for me. And I also use the online catalog a lot, too, and nearly everything I get from them has been something I've requested. Mostly the browse shelves have old titles that I've seen sitting there for months! And I think some sort of interactive site or even a blog (other libraries have them) with recommendations or new book information would be great. My library's catalog could definitely be improved. Picky--aren't I?!
ReplyDeleteIt's so fun to see this meme going around. Yea, I wouldn't be too happy with the four limit book thing either. Our library does have a limit on holds, only 10, and that bugs me but that's about it. I love that cartoon.
ReplyDeleteMy library's limit on holds is 20, and whilst that sometimes frustrates me, when I am being sensible that seems a reasonable amount.
ReplyDeleteWhat a cute comic :-) I haven't gone to the library in a long time. I miss it! But far too many books on the shelves already...