Sunday, December 21, 2008

Day 21 - 2008 Blog Advent Tours

Today on the Advent Tour there are four stops:

Rhinoa from Rhinoa's Ramblings

Melissa from Remember to Breathe

The Bluestocking Guide

Michelle from Fluttering Butterflies

Yesterday I posted about my new ornaments. Today, it is two of my favourites from a couple of years ago. I just love these two, and normally I insist that I need to be the one to put them on the tree! This year my son put one on, and I thought I had lost one of them!


  1. Because I just moved house, I saved the delights of the Blog Advent Tour (there was no chocolate involved) and I have just now visited all of the blogs listed from day one to day fourteen.

    WOW they are amazing, diverse and creative. PLUS what fabulous looking blogs.
    We are in the home stretch now and my turn is on the 23rd so I need to get thinking.

    Thnaks Marg for giving bloggers the opportunity to share...which I guess is that Christmas is all about.

