Monday, May 31, 2010

May Reading Reflections

I haven't really been paying much attention to how much I have read this month, mainly because I got off to such a slow start due to having to slog through the first part of The Brothers of Gwynedd without being able to call it a book that is finished! So, I have started this post, and now I am going to check my spreadsheet and hope for a pleasant surprise! And the answer is .... no, not in terms of the number of books read, but looking at the grades it is probably my best month in ages!

The books I finished in May were:

Into the Wilderness by Sara Donati (5/5)
To Defy a King by Elizabeth Chadwick (5/5)
The Fury by L J Smith (4/5)
Shanghai Girls by Lisa See (4/5)
The Help by Kathryn Stockett (5/5)
Uncertain Magic by Laura Kinsale (3.5/5)
Hero at Large by Janet Evanovich (4/5)
The Winthrop Woman by Anya Seton (4.5/5)
The Knife of Letting Go by Patrick Ness (4.5/5)

So time for an update on my challenges!

Year of the Historical Challenge - Into the Wilderness was a reread for me. As I was reading The Endless Forest at the end of last month, I kept on thinking how much I really wanted to read through the series again, so I did speed my way through the first book, and enjoyed every moment of it!

Historical Fiction Reading Challenge - Into the Wilderness, To Defy a King, Shanghai Girls, The Help and The Winthrop Woman.

Chunkster Challenge - Into the Wilderness was also my final book for the Chunkster Challenge for this year.

Pub 2010 - To Defy a King and Uncertain Magic.

LJ Smith Reading Challenge - The Fury

Romance Reading Challenge - Uncertain Magic and Hero at Large

Once Upon Time IV - The Fury

Vampire Series Challenge - The Fury

100+ Reading Challenge -Read 60 out of the 100 required to meet this challenge.

Support Your Local Library Challenge -Read 41. It's going to require a big effort to get to 100!

Challenges that I didn't make any progress on this month - Period Drama, Harry Potter, Aussie Authors, Tudor Reading Challenge, In Death Reading Challenge, Terry Pratchett Reading Challenge, Art History Reading Challenge, French Historical.


  1. I have Into the Wilderness in my TBR pile but have been hesitant to start because of the mix reviews... well everyone likes her but the Gabaldon comparisons put me off.. I think i need to try her myself and make my own mind. Didn't Donati just finish the series?

  2. She did just finish the series, and the last book was awesome! I know why there are comparisons, but really the only thing that there is in common is time frame. This is very much American Frontier historical fiction. I really enjoyed the series, but thelast two books in particular were my favourites

  3. You had a great month! My post will be up tomorrow evening. I may get in a couple more books yet...

  4. Oh crap I didn't even connect the dots that today is the end of the month until I read your post! Looks like you had a good month!

  5. I have succumbed to curiosity and ordered Into the Wilderness last week. We like a lot of the same books so is good that you like the series.

  6. I'm not anonymous - I'm me :)

  7. Interesting books you read in May. Have a great June!

    Here is myMay Wrap-Up post!

  8. I'd love a month with so many high grades!

  9. Wow! So many books with high ratings! I love it when that happens. For me, April was like that, but May was so-so.

  10. Its all perspective, that seems like a truck load of books to me for one month! Everyone is reading Shanghai Girls at the moment, I feel like I am missing out on something
