Sunday, May 08, 2011

Sunday Salon: March and April reads

Between going to Sydney for ARRC and participating in Aussie Author Month in April, it's been a busy couple of months here on the blog - so busy in fact that I never got around to posting my March reads. I was going to let this week's Sunday Salon pass me by but then I realise it may well be June before I get to actually post this list, so I am pushing on to get it posted tonight.

Here are my March 2011 reads

Wallaby Track by Aaron Fletcher 4.5/5
Sold by Brendan Gullifer 3.55
Shadowfever by Karen Marie Moning 3/5
Fleur by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles 4/5
India Black by Carol K Carr 4/5
Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins 5/5
Vampire Voss by Colleen Gleason 3.55
The Third Pig Detective Agency by Bob Burke 4/5
Started Early, Took the Dog by Kate Atkinson 4/5
Glitter Rose by Marianne de Pierres 4.5/5

And my April 2011 reads

The Betrayal by Helen Dunmore 4.5/5
Ransom by David Malouf 4/5
Vampire Dimirtri by Colleen Gleason 3.5/5
A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness 5/5
The Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss 4/5
The Peach Keeper by Sarah Addison Allen 4/5
The Saturday Big Tent Wedding Party by Alexander McCall Smith 4/5
When Beauty Tamed the Beast by Eloisa James 4.5/5
The Last Letter from your Lover by Jojo Moyes 5/5
Named of the Dragon by Susanna Kearsley 4/5
Harvest Moon by Robyn Carr 4/5
Her Best Friend by Sarah Mayberry 4/5
Home for the Holidays by Sarah Mayberry 4/5
Love me Tender by Heather Boyd 4/5
Royal Weddings Anthology 3.5/5

Sold, Glitter Rose, Ransom and Little Paradise all count for Aussie Author Challenge. Only one more book required to complete this challenge.

The Saturday Big Tent Wedding Party counts for What's in a Name challenge (life stage). I have two more to read for this challenge - Number in the title and Evil in the title.

Wallaby Track, Fleur, India Black, The Betrayal, Little Paradise and Russian Winter count for Historical Fiction challenge.


  1. India Black looks intriguing...I'm also curious about the Kate Atkinson book. I have enjoyed several others by this author...

    The Peach Keeper is another I'd like to explore.


  2. Wow, it looks like you had two great months of reading. I really want to read India Black myself but had to let it go back to the library unread. Bummer. Hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day!

  3. What a great couple months of reading! And sounds like you've been very busy. :) Hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day today.

  4. Wow, you certainly got a lot of reading done! Way to go! You know I still have not posted my monthly reads. At this rate it'll be the end of the year before I do. lol.

  5. Glad you enjoyed The Betrayal! I wish I could read as many books as you.
