Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Library Loot: June 8 to 14

Library Loot is a weekly event co-hosted by Claire from The Captive Reader and Marg from The Adventures of an Intrepid Reader that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library. If you’d like to participate, just write up your post-feel free to steal the button-and link it using the Mr. Linky any time during the week. And of course check out what other participants are getting from their libraries!

I feel like I haven't been to the library in weeks, but it was really just one week. I think having birthday celebrations and still having a house guest has thrown me all out of sync!

Here's the new loot I got:

The Female Man by Joanna Ross - When this author died a few weeks ago there was a lot of discussion about her books, especially this one.

Ten Ways to be Adored when Landing a Lord by Sarah MacLean - the next book in the Love by Numbers trilogy.

Major Pettigrew's Last Stand by Helen Simonsen - In my first book club meeting they asked for suggestions for future reads and I suggested both this book and The Help. We are getting the latter but this one is first. I really hope they like it.

Clare has Mr Linky this week so be sure to go and add your link to share your loot!


  1. I really liked Major Pettigrew's Last Stand and hope you, and your book group, do too!

  2. You are going to love A Visit From the Goon Squad. I just finished it over the weekend, and thought that it was amazing. Totally non-linear, but fascinating nonetheless.

  3. I want to read A Visit From the Goon Squad too! It's on my mile-long TBR list...

  4. Ooooh, I LOVED Goon Squad. Such a fun book. Hope you enjoy it!

  5. I have been trying to find a copy of Russ' How to Suppress Women's writing

  6. Sean, I had to get this one through Inter Library Loan. It might be worth a try.

    Pam and Sweetestlittlebookworm, I have borrowed it a couple of times before. Maybe this time I will actually read it.

    Zibilee, that is a pretty strong recommendation.

    Claire, I read it early this year and really liked it! Turns out that is lucky as I am going to have to reread it for the discussion.

  7. I believe there is one copy in the state library, hopefully I can get it on interlibrary loan

  8. I have the Major Pettigrew one and am looking forward to reading it soon.

  9. Loved Major Pettigrew. It was a sweet, sweet read. Enjoy your books.

  10. I've also been meaning to read The Female Man - looking forward to hearing what you think!

  11. What does reloot mean? Are you going to read, or re-read Maisie Dobbs?

    Anyway, I've read all the books published so far, quite entertaining!


  12. I've got Major Pettigrew's Last Stand on my wish list, but I haven't checked the library. Duh. Ought to do that. :) Love the cover of the romance about trying to catch a Lord. It's got to be the red dress. They get me every time.

  13. Hi Marg,
    I recently added The Goon Squad book to my list of books to borrow and read from the library, but then I read somewhere that the author Jennifer Egan verbally bashed the romance genre and you know? I don't think I want to read it anymore because of that. Too bad, too, because her book sounded interesting.

  14. I went looking for the information about Egan's negative comments and see that her derogatory comments are more specifically directed towards chick lit, but I get the point.

  15. These are great selections of books, I love the Female man which I have read a couple of times now there are characters there are very interesting and needs understanding that is why i have read like twice or 3 times.
