Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday Salon: May Reading Reflections

I was very nearly tempted to not worry about doing my May wrap up post until the end of June, but I think I am glad that I changed my mind because I looked at this list of the books that I have read and found myself thinking was it really only 6 or so weeks ago that I read some of these books? Feels like much longer!

Here are the books I read in May:

Russian Winter by Daphne Kalotay 4.5/5
Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress by Dai Sijie 4.5/5
Yellowcake by Margo Lanagan 4.5/5
Little Paradise by Gabrielle Wang 4/5
Bumped by Megan McCafferty 4/5
Love and Romanpunk by Tansy Rayner Roberts 4.5/5
Emily by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles 4.5/5
The Vampire Narcise by Colleen Gleason 4/5
The Midnight Palace by Carlos Ruiz Zafon 3/5
Nightsiders by Sue Isle 4/5
Angelique in Love by Sergeanne Golon 4.5/5
The Rose Garden by Susanna Kearsley 5/5
The Dark Enquiry by Deanna Raybourn 4.5/5
The Homecoming by JoAnn Ross 3.5/5

In terms of the challenges that I am participating in Yellowcake, Little Paradise, Nightsiders and Love and Romanpunk are all by Australian authors and I have therefore now completed the Aussie Author Challenge for this year.

Little Paradise, Russian Winter, Emily and The Dark Enquiry all are books that I have read for the Historical Fiction Reading Challenge. I now have 7 books left to read in order to reach my commitment level for this challenge.

Yellowcake, The Rose Garden, Love and Romanpunk and Nightsiders all qualified for Once Upon a Time V so that challenge is now complete too!


  1. Congrat's on finishing the challenges. I still have to get Love and Romanpunk.

  2. Love and Romanpunk is really good! Get it! Get it!

  3. I haven't looked at my challenge status in a while. Must do that soon if I expect to finish anything!

  4. I love reading others' wrap up posts but I'm not always good about doing my own. Weird, right?

  5. Lately I haven't been reading anything that satisfied my challenges, but this week, I'll be reading a couple of books off of the Bucket Book List Challenge.

    I haven't read any of the books on your list, but Russian Winter is on my wish list.


  6. Thanks for the visit and the comments. I've added you to my reader so I won't lose track of your blog.
