Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Library Loot: August 31 to September 4

Library Loot is a weekly event co-hosted by Claire from The Captive Reader and Marg from The Adventures of an Intrepid Reader that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library. If you’d like to participate, just write up your post-feel free to steal the button-and link it using the Mr. Linky any time during the week. And of course check out what other participants are getting from their libraries!

My library loot looks bigger than usual this week. I promise you that it is only because I went to the library a day earlier than I normally do...or at least that is what I am telling myself!

Here's my loot for this week:

Wildflower Hill by Kim Freeman - I have seen a lot of really good reviews of this book and got to the point of feeling as though I was letting the country down by not reading this Australian set book written by an Australian author.

Too Hot to Touch by Louisa Edwards - I do enjoy sending the boy in to pick up books with covers like this. The look on his face is priceless.

The Soldier by Grace Burrowes - Really enjoyed the first book in this trilogy, and then got the third book fro the publisher which means I really need to get on and read the second book!

Animal Magnetism by Jill Shalvis - While I wait for the third Lucky Harbor book to come out I thought I would try one of Jill Shalvis' other series

Big Cherry Holler by Adriana Trigiani - the follow up book to Big Stone Gap.

Every Secret Thing by Emma Cole - yes, again.

Falling Free by Lois McMaster Bujold - I am intending to read the Miles Vorkosigan series. I have been given a list of the series in internal chronological order which is how I am intending to read it, although I have seen other lists that give a different order. Hate it when it isn't clear what order books should be read in.

Valley of Grace by Marion Halligan - requested this one after the MWF session I went to last Friday.

Teenage Dream by Katy Perry - It feels as though I have been on the hold list for this one for months and months!

Claire has the Mr Linky this week so head on over and share your loot!


  1. Well, my my! This is quite the steamy stack from the library this week. Enjoy your loot!

  2. I'm really looking forward to reading Wildflower Hill.

  3. I've heard good things about Valley of Grace. Enjoy your loot!

  4. I really enjoyed Wildflower Hill, and hope that you do too! All the others are new to me!

  5. Zibilee, I am sure I shall!

    Claire, I didn't even realise that Halligan had made it to the US. I really want to read her most recent short story collection as well.

    Meg, I have heard lots of good things about it!

    Pam, there's a little steam!

  6. I started Wildflower Hill but couldn't really get into it so it will be a reloot one day. Hope you enjoy it.

  7. oh no! i feel so non-bookish when I saw your loot! I don't know of any of these! :( I've heard of the singer Katy Perry.. but that's about it!
    HOpe that they are awesome though!
