Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I currently have out from the library

Welcome to this week's edition of Top Ten Tuesday which is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. There is no set theme this week and so today I am sharing the books that I currently have out of the library. Our library system is still closed because we are still in lockdown, so they keep on extending the return date. At the moment the return date is due to be 31 October but that could be extended further depending on what happens. 

The Opal Dragonfly by Julian Leatherdale - I read this author's first book a few months ago and I liked it so requested this one. I intend to read his last book too.

Tsarina by Ellen Alpsten - This was reviewed a lot a couple of months ago and it sounds so good. I requested it from the library straight away

The Heirloom Garden by Viola Shipman - I saw this mentioned a few times and knew I wanted to read it!

The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi - I saw this mentioned on a few Top Ten Tuesday posts over a few weeks so decided I needed to read it myself

Ambulance Girls at War by Deborah Burrows - This is the the third book in the Ambulance Girls trilogy

Those Who Are  Loved by Victoria Hislop - I really enjoyed some books by Victoria Hislop years ago but it has been a long time since I read one.

The Year the Maps Changed by Danielle Binks - This is a middle grade book but I have heard good things about it.

The Poppy Wife by Caroline Scott - I saw this on someone's blog somewhere and it prompted me to request it from the library, but I can't remember where or when.

Rosewater & Soda Bread by Marsha Mehran - This is the last book that I borrowed from the library before it closed that I haven't read yet, so I want to read it before the library opens again

Recipe for a Perfect Wife by Karma Brown - This is the current Cook the Books bookclub choice, I am about half way through this at the moment.


  1. I'm interested in a few of these library books likes Tsarina, The Heirloom Garden, and Rosewater & Soda Bread. Hope you let us know what you think. How's The Perfect Wife coming along? I still have to do my post for that. As host, I will probably be the last one to post up.

    1. I am half way through Debra. Not sure I am going to make it in time because I just don't have a lot of audio time anymore.

  2. Great idea for the titles, I always struggle with the freebies.

    Those who are loved is a great book as is anything by Victoria Hislop. Enjoy.

    My TTT.

    1. I have enjoyed everything I have read by Victoria Hislop!

      Thanks for stopping by.

    2. You're welcome. And yes, I have read everything she wrote so far and loved it all.

  3. Our library was closed. For so long, I was frustrated because I'd just requested a dozen books and they were sitting inside the library, awaiting me, but I couldn't get to them.

    1. I can imagine. Unfortunately, with our move last year, I lost our great library. The one we have here is just German and they do mainly new books, nothing older than a couple of years. :(

    2. I have a couple of books sitting on the hold shelf at the moment. They have been there around 2 months now.

  4. The Gilded Wolves is a brilliant book, I hope you enjoy it!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2020/09/15/top-ten-tuesday-281/

  5. Recipe for a Perfect Wife has such a great cover and title.

    My post .

  6. i am currently waiting for three books from the library. i used to go with a bag and load it up, now i cross my fingers and hope my library has an ebook

    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. I have a couple still sitting on the shelf waiting for it to open again Sherry.

  7. The Gilded Wolves has been on my tbr for forever, but I still haven't read it. I hope you enjoy it!
    Here's my Top Ten Tuesday!
    Happy Reading! :)

    1. One day we wlll both get to it I'm sure Kait!

  8. I only have 2 books out from the library. I can't remember which ones... I guess I better figure that out and read them before they go back. (I use Overdrive). I hope you enjoy these!

    1. I do keep on losing track of the books that I borrow online from the library!

  9. I like the covers for The Heirloom Garden and The Gilded Wolves. Here is my Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. Those are the two that are calling me the most!

  10. Our libraries are open, but still only for curbside pickup. I'm just glad I can still get books from there. Hopefully, it will be open for browsing again sometime soon-ish! I miss actually being INSIDE the library :)

    Happy TTT!

    1. Ours are completely closed right now. Before we went back into lockdown you could get books delivered but right now that isn't even happening.

  11. I really hope you enjoy The Gilded Wolves. I loved it and its sequel, The Silvered Serpents :)

    1. I am looking forward to reading that one Natalie!

  12. These all sound good! I was just prepping a post for Thursday and mentioning how I hope library buildings open soon. I've picked up a couple at the curb but it's just not the same as browsing.

    1. I don't tend to browse at the library most of the time Jen. I tend to put in hold requests and then just run in and pick them up.

  13. I hope you enjoy them! I have a few library books out too, but they’re all digital, so they have to go back in a few weeks.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I do like the fact that there is no impending return date right now AJ.

  14. Ambulance girls at war — that title and cover caught my eye right away — you are going to be so busy until they have to go back!

    1. Especially seeing as I haven't even started them yet!
