Thursday, May 20, 2021

Music A to Z: C

Welcome to the week 3 of my new features Music A to Z. Each week on Thursday, I am going to share a song where either the song or the artist name begins with the letter for that week. This week, the letter is....


The Father, My Son and the Holy Ghost by Craig Morgan

Today I am starting with two songs that make me cry. I can't say that I know a lot of Craig Morgan's music but I have seen this song a number of times, mostly because for about 6 months last year I didn't miss an episode of the Grand Ole Opry. And then, as quickly as I started watching them, I stopped! I have no idea what that is about. Anyway,  Craig Morgan performed this song a couple of times, and then I went looking for it as well, and I cried every time. It is a song about the death of his son. You can see how emotional it is for him regardless of how many times he sings it.

Piece by Piece by Kelly Clarkson - It is actually just this version that make me cry The album version is more uptempo and doesn't affect me as much, but this one, oh my goodness I cry. 

Flame Trees by Cold Chisel

Cold Chisel are a classic Australian band. Maybe iconic is a better word. Funny story, the first time I went to the US we went on a Contiki tour. When the tour guide asked who had bought music with them that could be played on the bus (think either CDs or cassettes - yes I am that old) everyone handed their music forward. She looked through them and then said hold on...has no one got Cold Chisel with them? It turned out this was her first tour in 10 years where no one had bought an album by them!

I chose this song in particular because I like that it is a song that tells a story. I also can't hear this song without thinking about On Jellicoe Road, a book by Australian author Melina Marchetta.

What Would You Do by City High

This is another story song. I really enjoy the back and forth, like a conversation that you can hear between the two people.

Feel free to share your C songs in the comments

1 comment:

  1. Well I have been waiting for the letter C as I am a huge Eric Clapton fan. Where it's solo or Yardbirds, Cream or Derek and the his blues recordings the best.

    Kelly Clarkson is a good one! I forget about her sometimes but she has a great voice.

    Cannibals by Mark Knopfler (another favorite artist), Copper Canten by James McMurtry on hos album Complicated Games.
    I love your series!
