Wednesday, December 01, 2021

Historical Fiction Reading Challenge - December




Thank you to everyone who shared a review this month! We had more than 

50 reviews in November which is awesome! I can't wait to see what you all share in December.

I am going to be putting up the sign up post for the 2022 challenge tomorrow. I hope that you will all join in again next year.  

Here's a sneak peak glimpse of the button and I have a plan to make some changes next year, mainly related to sharing some stats each month! I have been putting together some for this year and I will be sharing some of these shortly! Are you curious to see which book has been reviewed most so far this year? I can tell you that! And which author? Yes, I can tell you that too!!

Just to recap what participants need to know. At the beginning of each month I will put up a post which will have a Mr Linky embedded into it for you to add your link.

Please remember...

  • add the link(s) of your review(s) including your name and book title to the Mister Linky we’ll be adding to our monthly post (please, do not add your blog link, but the correct address that will guide us directly to your review). A direct link to your Goodreads review is also acceptable
  • any kind of historical fiction is accepted (fantasy, young adult, graphic novels...)
  • if you have time, have a look some of the other links that are present. You never know when you will discover new blogs or books!
I have created a group on Facebook which you can find here and don't forget to use the #histficreadingchallenge hashtag on the socials.


  1. Oops - I messed up the title on my link. It should be the Shadows of Swanford Abbey by Julie Klassen.

  2. Well, there's my last review for 2021, and it is my 38th HF novel of the year!

  3. Hi Marg, is there a place to upload our challenge completion posts?
