Sunday, June 12, 2022

Historical Fiction Reading Challenge May stats




This year as part of the Historical Fiction Reading Challenge I am intending to provide some stats after each month and then at the end of the year I will do an overall wrap up for the year. That's the plan anyway. And today I am sharing a few stats about May.

During May there were 65 reviews shared by 23 participants. This month 6 of you have shared 5 or more reviews which is amazing! Well done and keep it up! 

In terms of the books, there were 58 individual titles reviewed, written by 54 different authors. 

Last month there were only 2 books that There were reviewed more than once. This month it is a differnt story with 6 books reviewed more than once. They were:

Natalie Jenner's Bloomsbuy Girls was review three times this month at Laura's Reviews, The Chocolate Lady's Book Reviews and at The Book Stop.

Elizabeth of York: The Last White Rose by Alison Weir was reviewd at Carpe Librum and at Series Book Lover.

Another book to be review twice was The Fugitve Colours by Nancy Bilyeau. This book was reviewed at The Chocolate Lady's Book Reviews and at She Reads Novels.

Helen at She Reads Novels also reviewed A Lady's Guide to Fortune-Hunting by Sophie Irwin, as did Janette at Witchyreading.

The Resistance Girl by Mandy Robotham was review at both Laura's Reviews and by Denise Newton.

The final book to be reviewed twice this month was from one of my favourites, Susanna Kearsley. Her book, The Vanished Days was reviewed by Helen at She Reads Novels and at Series Book Lover.

Other authors who were also reviewed more than once included Abir Mukherjee, Amor Towles, Joyce St Anthony and Leonard Goldberg.

It's not too late to join the challenge this year. You can find all the sign up details here and if you have a link to add to the challenge the June Linky can be found here.


  1. I always enjoy seeing this post. And it's how I found the challenge, too. Fun to see so many books popping up more than one this month.

  2. I feel like crying. I still haven't even started doing a linkup post for this challenge and I have so many historical books on my tick sheet already this year. Sigh....

    Bloomsbury Girls are doing well! Still want to read it. And our Book Shop just got A Lady's Guide to Fortune Hunting in. Saw it on the display.

    Have a good week Marg and let me just make a note here ONCE AGAIN.

    Elza Reads

  3. This looks like a fun challenge. The Bloomsbury Girls looks really good. Have a great week!

  4. I read The Vanished Days last month too but did not have time to review it (yet anyway).

  5. Your overview of the month is a great way to take a look at the historical fiction books people are reading and enjoying.

    I thought Bloomsbury Girls was a strong read. The setting was fantastic and the characters were vivid and memorable.
