Sunday, July 10, 2022

Historical Fiction Reading Challenge: June stats





This year as part of the Historical Fiction Reading Challenge I am intending to provide some stats after each month and then at the end of the year I will do an overall wrap up for the year. That's the plan anyway. And today I am sharing a few stats about June.

During June there were 65 reviews shared by 23 participants. The odd thing is that these stats are exactly the same as last month! I had to double check to make sure that I hadn't accidentally used last month's statistics, but I hadn't.

This month, there were 3 of you who shared 5 or more reviews which is amazing! Well done and keep it up! 

In terms of the books, there were  64 individual titles reviewed, written by 63 different authors. 

If you look at that last statistic, that means that there was only one book that was reviewed more than once this month, which is interesting in comparison to last month when there were 6 books reviewed more than once. The only book which was reviewed more than once was:

Bree from All the Books I Can Read and Tracey from Carpe Librum both reviewed this book and both really enjoyed it!

The other author who was reviewed more than once, but for two different books was Jacqueline Winspear.

It's not too late to join the challenge this year. You can find all the sign up details here and if you have a link to add to the challenge the July Linky can be found here.

Given that we are already half way through the year, I thought I would highlight the two books that have been reviewed the most for the challenge, with 4 reviews each.

Jennifer Ryan and Mimi Webb are the authors that have been reviewed most with 5 reviews each, and so far we have had 435 links for the challenge as at the end of June! What an effort!

Bring on the second half of the year, and happy reading!


  1. I've started to get into Historical Fiction. I dabbled in it, then found that I was reading more and more. Bloomsbury Girls looks good.

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  2. This is a wonderful way to keep up with the best of historical fiction. It's great that you receive so many reviews each month. Thank you for sharing these with all of us.

    1. I find it interesting to see which books come up on the list each month Deb!

  3. Sjoe! That is a lot of links! I love this initiative of yours, maybe I should just join the second half of the year!

    Have a good week Marg and happy reading.

    Elza Reads

    1. I am familiar with that South African noise!! Please do join us for the second half of the year!
