Sunday, July 31, 2022

Paris in July: Bestsellers around the world

A couple of years ago I had a feature called Bestsellers Around the World. The idea was that I would take a look at the bestsellers list for that week and compare it to the Australian bestsellers list. It turned out it could be quite challenging and so despite my best intentions I haven't quite managed to keep it going.  For my final post in this year's Paris in July, I thought I would revive it and share a list of the books the readers of Paris are reading at the moment based on the bestseller list at Sens Critique!

1. L'Anomalie by Hervé Le Tellier (The Anomaly)- This is a sci-fi novel where the premise is that there is an anomaly in the time line which causes a passenger plane to appear twice! I find it curious how plane this cover is (pun intended!)

2. Trois by Valérie Perrin (Three) - Three childhood friends are reunited after many years when a car is found at the bottom of a lake.

3. Les Possibles by Virginie Grimaldi (The Possibles) - When Juliane's father moves in with her, she comes to realise that he is not just unusual but that his health is deteriorating.

4. Skidamarink by Guillaume Musso - In 2004 the Mona Lisa is stolen and and international magnate is kidnapped but how are these connected. This sounds a bit Dan Brown-ish!

5. 1991 by Franck Thilliez - Inspector Franck Sharko is given a cold case to investigate the murder of 3 young women. Maybe plain covers are a thing in France.

6. Par Dessus Bord by Michel Vinaver and Oriza Hirata (Overboard) This was published in 2010 but Michel Vinaver passed away earlier this year.

7. L'Énigme de la Chambre 622 by Joël Dicker (The Enigma of Room 622) - This book was actually number 1 on the list when I last did one of these posts!

8. Tout le bleu du ciel  by Mélissa Da Costa (All the Blue of the Sky)- When Emile is diagnosed with early onset alzheimers  at the age of 36, he decides that he wants to take one last trip.

9. Kilomètre zéro Le Chemin du bonheur by Maud Ankaoua (Kilometre Zero: The Way to Happiness) - Maelle joins her friend on a healing journey to Nepal.

10. Le Cerf-Volant by Laetitia Colombani (The Kite)- A woman travels to India after a tragedy. Every morning she sees a little girl flying a kite and forms a bond with her.

It's interesting that there are a number of authors who have multiple books in the top 30. Joel Dicker also appears in the list with his new book L'Affaire Alaska Sanders  which is at number 11 on the list.

Melisa Da Costa's book Je Revenais des Autres (published in 2021) is at number 12 and Virgine Grimaldi is at number 14 with Il Nous Restera ça. Virginie Grimaldi is an author I think I would enjoy reading, so I have bought one of her books today. Maybe I will have read it by next year!

I had a look back at my post from 2020 and was surprised to see that a number of these books and authors appeared on the bestsellers list two years ago including Joel Dicker, as I mentioned earlier. 

Other interesting entries on the list are two books by Michael McDowell which are horror novels, and also The Missing Sister by Lucinda Riley, a book I still need to read.

Do any of these books catch your attention?


  1. That's a fun exercise in book checking and comparing..... Never would have thought of that. And, not surprisingly, I don't know any of these authors. :)
    here's me:

    1. It's a fun exercise. Thanks for stopping by Terrie!

  2. I've been meaning to try to find out how long the publisher Gallimard has been using that "plain" cover for every book they publish, just changing the title and author! I believe that the books with that cover are intended to be bound by the owner, rather than selling them as a hardcover the way books are published in the US and England.

    best... mae at

  3. I was delighted to see the book I've just finished, The Anomaly, at the top of the bestseller list in France. I would have never expected that!

  4. Oh I loved doing Best Sellers around the world with you! It was so much fun. And doing it with popular books in Paris currently, is really very clever.

    Well done!

    Have a god week Marg.

    Elza Reads
