Thursday, July 28, 2022

Paris in July: I Swear I Know That Song


Earlier in this year's Paris in July event I shared some Paris themed songs.

Today, I thought I would have a bit of fun by sharing some songs that will sound familiar and yet not quite as we know them!

Let's start with Ces Soiree La by Yannick

And now we go old school with Personnalites by Sacha Distel

Here's one I am pretty sure you will recognise

Here is French rock legend Johnny Halliday singing Noir C'est Noir. (I may have spent quite a while watching live videos of Johnny Halliday when I was preparing this post. No idea what he was singing but he clearly was a big star in France!

And finally another old school song, although apparently the words have been changed a little

I thought I would try and find some songs where the reverse happened. Even though there are many examples of English language versions of French movies, I couldn't find any songs which were originally recorded in French and then translated to English.

Do you know of any other French versions of English songs, or vice versa?


  1. This is such a fun post! I loved every single song (trying to guess the title with mixed results!). What a great idea!

    1. Thanks Jeanie! It was a fun post to put together!

  2. How fun this is! This post sent me out in search of other French versions of English songs. My favorite (remember that I was a librarian in a primary school when this song came out) is Libérée, Délivrée (De "La Reine des Neiges"). The link is here:

    1. I am going to check that one out Deb!

  3. First time I heard of Hallyday was in 2019 in Paris as there is a memorial to him in La Madelaine church.

    1. I had heard of him but hadn't listened to him before Jackie!

  4. Thanks for the suggestions Kwarkito. I am going to check them out!
