Sunday, March 12, 2023

Sunday Salon: Historical Fiction Reading Challenge - February Stats


Last year I started sharing statistics each month for the Historical Fiction Reading Challenge, and my plan is to continue to do this again this year. I find it interesting to see what are the books that people are reading and reviewing! I haven't had a chance to visit everyone's reviews this month but I will do better during March. What I did notice is that we had a wide array of entries including a Newbery Prize winning author, a Nobel Prize Winner, as well as various genres from mystery, straight historical fiction and even one horror novel!

In terms of the books, there were a massive 91 reviews linked up for the challenge, shared by 29 participants. This is 13 more than for the same month last year. There were 89 individual titles reviewed, written by 84 different authors. There were 6 reviewers who reviewed 5 or more books each. Thank you to everyone who shared their links whether it be 10 or just 1.

Let's move onto the books. There were two books that were reviewed twice during February.

Laura at Laura's Reviews and Shellie from Shellie Loves Books both read Partners in Crime by Agatha Christie. Whilst Agatha Christie regularly pops up as being read multiple times during a month, I think this is the first time that the same book has been read more than once!

The other book to be reviewed twice this month is The Paris Sister by Adrienne Chinn, second book in The Three Fry Sisters series, which was reviewed by Cathy at What Cathy Read Next and Stephanie at My World Reads

There were two other authors who were reviewed more than once this month. The first was an author called Avi. Becky from Becky's Reads review three of his books and Georgette Heyer was the other author who was reviewed twice.

It's not too late to join the 2023 Historical Fiction Reading Challenge. The sign up post is here, and you can find the March linky to add your reviews here.

I am also sharing this post with Sunday Salon, hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz.


  1. I haven't read much historical fiction on WWII recently. The choices for this challenge must be endless, with lots to choose from. Have a good week.

    1. There is a pretty wide variety of eras to choose from

  2. Really cool that you're doing this! Fascinating!

    1. It is interesting to see how it looks each month!

  3. I always find it interesting to see what historical fiction books people are reading. Of course I was delighted to see a new-to-me book, The Paris Sister, simply because of the title. I will write that one down and save it for Paris in July.

    Thanks for sharing this with us.

    1. As always there are a few Paris titles coming out soon Deb!

  4. I’ve read a few, I just need to actually review them!

    1. I have a few I could review too Shelleyrae!

  5. I'm reading an Agatha Christie right now, too. I am trying to make up for lost time, having only read a few over the years.

  6. This is an interesting challenge. I do enjoy post -WWII historical fiction especially when it’s combined with Women’s Fiction.

  7. I love checking in on this challenge!

  8. I do like looking in on these roundup posts. The variety of books we're all reading inspires me to go searching out new-to-me titles

    1. I always find new books to read too Stephanie Jane!

  9. I think I read her books back in the 80s. Not for a long time though!
