Sunday, June 09, 2024

Sunday Salon: Historical Fiction Reading Challenge - May stats

For the last couple of years I have been sharing statistics each month for the Historical challenge, and my plan is to continue to do this again this year. I find it interesting to see what are the books that people are reading and reviewing! I think I have visited almost all the reviews submitted and have added a couple of books to my never ending TBR list

In terms of the books, there were 62 reviews linked up for the challenge, shared by 24 participants. This is an increase over the last couple of months. There were 58 individual titles reviewed, written by 58 different authors. There were 3 reviewers who reviewed more than 5 books each. Thank you to everyone who shared their links whether it be 8 or just 1.

So which books were reviewed more than once in April?  There were actually 4 3 books that were reviewed twice, which is the most we have had for a while.

The first one was A Plague of Serpents by K J Maitland, the fourth and final book in the Daniel Pursglove. This book was reviewed by Helen at She Reads Novels and Cathy at What Cathy Read Next.

The next book which was reviewed twice was Every Time We Say Goodbye by Natalie Jenner, which is the third book in the Jane Austen Society series. This book was reviewed by Laura at Laura's Reviews and by Davida at The Chocolate Lady's Book Reviews.

Next up we have a book called For a Lifetime by Gabrielle Meyer, which is book 3 in the Timeless series. This book was reviewed by Barbara at Stray Thoughts and by Laura at Laura's Reviews

In a strange coincidence we had two book reviewed which both have the title Hungry Ghosts but they were by different authors!

We did have one other author who had more than one book reviewed this month. Bev at My Reader's Block read the two latest books in the Sebastian St Cyr series by C S Harris, Who Cries for the Lost and What Cannot be Said.

I look forward to seeing what everyone reads in June for the challenge


  1. My iPad still doesn’t show the entire text of your posts — the first few characters are cut off on each line. So I’m not sure of everything that’s on this page, but it’s interesting that there is a lot of interest in historical fiction. I’ve been reading some fiction that was written in the 19th century (so it isn’t technically historic fiction which is written by an author in a later era). I did read a mystery set in 1921, so I’m also into historical fiction.
    best, mae at maefood.blogspot.coom

  2. I'm so glad that you offer this historical fiction challenge and that you share books others have read with all of us. Good historical fiction is a treasure. Many of my favorite books---The Good Earth, for one---are good historical fiction.

  3. Neat list of books. The last two caught my eye. Hope you continue to enjoy the challenge.

  4. I always love reading your stats posts!
