Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday: Books on my Winter 2024 To-Read List

Welcome to this week's edition of Top Ten Tuesday which is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's theme is Books on My Summer Winter 2024 To-Read List. Now I am going to twist it a bit and talk about just some of the books by authors who attended the Rachael Johns Book Club Reader Retreat over the last weekend (pictured above). I do feel a bit guilty that I can't talk about all the authors, but this is Top TEN Tuesday. I will talk more about the actual event next weekend

Anita Heiss - I am very much looking forward to reading the next book, Dirrayawadha, which is out in July. I am also looking to seeing at what books come out under the indigenous imprint which Heiss talked about this weekend.

Rachael Johns - I bought The Other Bridget months ago. Now it is signed I should probably read it right?

Sophie Green - I feel like I should have already read Sophie Green!

Clare Fletcher - I love the sound of Clare Fletcher's book, Five Bush Weddings.

Michael Trant - The only male author at the retreat!

Susan Mackie - I love the story behind the covers of the books in the series. And a book about a book club - yes please!

Fiona McArthur - I have read a couple of Fiona McArthur books which were part of a connected series. Time to read some of her other books!

Karina May -With a title like Duck A L'Orange for Breakfast, I should already have read this!

Leanne Lovegrove
- When Leanne said that she adds a little twist of France into each book, I knew I would need to read this.

Cathryn Hein - I read this author as part of the same connected series as Fiona McArthur.


  1. It sure sounds like you had a good time at this event!

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.


  2. I'd love to attend a readers' retreat. It sounds delightful!

  3. What's a readers' retreat? Sounds like fun! I can't wait to hear more about your experience.

    Happy TTT!

  4. The Other Bridget sounds fun! Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  5. There are some interesting sounding books here! I hope you enjoy reading them all.
    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  6. Yay for author events! I hope you enjoy all of these.

  7. I've read quite a few from your list and loved them! I also need to read No Trace (I loved Wild Dogs) and will be reading Anita's forthcoming book after I read the other one, which I still haven't gotten to yet, despite everyone telling me I have to.
