Monday, July 30, 2007

Reading uncorrected proofs

Not long ago I was chosen to receive The Principessa by Christie Dickason as part of the First Look Program run by Harper Collins. This is the second book that I have received as part of the program, and on both occasions they have been labelled as uncorrected proofs.

The first time, which was for Black Diamonds by Kim Kelly, the fact that the book was an uncorrected proof did not bother me at all, but this time it really did, to the point of distracting me from the story at times. It really wasn't that there were lots of mistakes, it was just that some of them were corrected but others weren't! It just made me want to get out my red pen and start doing my own corrections! If they were all corrected, or if none of them were corrected, it wouldn't have bothered me as much as only some being done!

Does anyone else feel the need to correct errors in books?

By the way, you can read my review of The Principessa over at Historical Tapestry - and I only concentrated on the book itself, not the editing!!


  1. Yes! It drives me insane when I see really stupid errors. If there's 1 or 2 in there that slipped by, I gotta wonder how many were in there in the first place.

  2. Oh, yes, typos and all that in books drive nuts. But when it comes to uncorrected proofs I expect there to be errors so it doesn't bother me as much as if it were a finsihed copy.

  3. It drives me nuts! It's sort of like reading a Joyce Carol Oates novel and having to try hard not to count the comma splices per page.

  4. YES! It drives me batty! I consider myself to be an editing snob. LOL

  5. Marg, I'm interested in reading in that program - how did you manage to join?

  6. Malvina, you register at Harper Collins, and then each month they put up a new selection of books, and you write in to say why you would like to read the book that they have on offer. If you are chosen, you are sent the book, and then you need to read it and post the review.

    You can register by going to the following link:
