Thursday, February 19, 2009

Look at the pretty!

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Do you notice that Days = 0, and there is only a few hours until the first Australian Romance Readers Convention begins! I am planning to not only enjoy the sessions but I also am hoping to get hold of lots of new books! Yep, I am going book shopping! Normally I don't buy books, but borrow them from the library but this weekend, I have plans!

Because of ARRC, I am going to be a bit scarce around the blog world this weekend, but I do have at least one post scheduled so it won't quite be totally dead here this weekend!


  1. Marg make sure you take your camera with you. Looking forward to reading all about the convention. =)Enjoy yourself.

  2. It's here! Have a blast and hopefully get a welcome respite from all the sad news you've all had lately.

    Oh, and we want to hear all about it!

  3. Have fun, Marg! I am so glad that you have this to look forward to. I've been thinking a lot about you and your country recently. I was saddened to hear that it was arson. I can't wait to see pictures and hear back on your adventures!

    Jennifer @ Literate Hosuewife

  4. Ooooh, I would love to be at that conference! Have fun and enjoy your book shopping!

  5. Wow, I had no idea that it's basically today! I thought it was month away yet. Have fun and get lots of books!


  6. Have a good time, Marg!

  7. I'm so looking forward to seeing how your enjoying it!! And I hope you have pics to post and lots of good books to let us know about! Have yourself a great time :)
