Kristie J is asking
what do we all have as wallpaper. Mine
used to be of my son, but it changed about 18 months ago and I have not yet found anything that I want to replace it with. My son does keep on hinting that maybe I should put another picture of him up, but you know, he might just have to wait a little while longer!

I don't think a lot of people will be surprised to see who stars on my wallpaper!
A wet Richard is a Very Yummy Richard *g* I LOVE IT!!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm not surprised. Been there, done that.
ReplyDeleteOh, he's so handsome! I love that picture, and I'd keep it up for an even longer time if I were you.
ReplyDeleteIt is a tricky question, though, to find something "perfect" (is there such a thing?) for one's screen. I alternate mine with photos I've taken from my bike rides; now it's a collage of the animal houses you commented on.
Still, I think a picture of my son would be best. Like yours.
Eek - I don't know who that is. But he IS nice to look at.
ReplyDeleteI have a pic of my husband and my dog...
Hmmm...I don't know who he is either! Cute though.
ReplyDeleteI have a picture of the kiddies up!!
Nice... and LOL, why am I not surprised that Kristie likes it too?
ReplyDeleteNath, it isn't really a surprise that Kristie likes it is it?
ReplyDeleteStephanie and Bkclubcare, this is Richard Armitage. He stars in North and South, Robin Hood, and a few other things.
Dolcebellezza, I should really be a bit more adventurous and change it occasionally but for now it can stay as it is!
Lynn, I didn't think that you would mind a glimpse.
Kristie, wet or dry, either way is totally yummy!
You will share the link where you found your wallpaper, won't you? Pretty please? I will beg if I have to....
ReplyDeleteCarrie, I would but I really can't remember where I found it.