Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I've got a lot on...

There's a lot going on in my little corner of blogland! I'll start with something new, and then work my way up to a couple of reminders.

I guest posted over at The Written World as part of Kailana's ongoing guest blogger series, Music Mondays. I took the opportunity to focus on some of the acts that I saw at Sound Relief earlier this year. Head on over for some good Aussie music, including some Midnight Oil, and Crowded House.

Now for reminders!

Have you signed up for the Virtual Advent Tour yet? So far the turn out has been great, but we would love to have more people sharing their holiday moments with us all. Head over the Virtual Advent Tour for all the details on how to sign up. It's always been a lot of fun, and I am certain this year will be no exception.

Also, don't forget that I am going to be hosting my very first reading challenge here at Reading Adventures. Do you enjoy reading Terry Pratchett's books, or perhaps you have heard about them, and think you would like them, but haven't yet tried them? Sign up for the Terry Pratchett 2010 challenge and join me in the fun!

I nearly forgot my blogiversary giveaway. You can win your choice of one of four books. Check out all the details here.

I wanted to finish with a blog challenge etiquette question. There's a challenge that I love participating in every year. At the beginning of this year there hadn't been a lot of noise about it being on  so I emailed the host and asked if they were hosting it again. I didn't hear back, and it did run, but in the last couple of weeks they have said that they are stepping away from blogging. So here's the deal. I am contemplating asking the host if I could take over the challenge for next year. Would you be offended if someone asked you that? Should I wait and see what happens in the next month or so? Should I just let it go and see if someone else picks it up? What say you?


  1. Marg, if you word it in a non-threatening manner, I don't think they would be offended. If it's a challenge you really enjoy, they might appreciate someone else picking up the gauntlet.

  2. Marg,I have to agree with L.Diane Wolfe. If your tone is non-threatening, I don't think it should be an issue. And you know we have your back! ;)

    As for the other challenges, the Virtual Tour, I've already signed-up for. And you've twisted my arm on the Terry Pratchett Challenge. :D On my way to sign up for it now.

  3. I don't think I'd be offended- especially if I were stepping away from blogging. It would probably take some stress off, as long as you asked nicely :-) And I can't imagine you NOT asking nicely.

  4. So much good stuff going on in this post! I am definitely interested in your challenge, and I am going to sign up. Also I think that it would totally not be offensive to ask if you could host a challenge that someone else is not doing anymore. It can't hurt to ask, so I would just go for it.

  5. I've never hosted a challenge so I'm going to broaden my perspective to asking about taking over hosting in general, whether it's a family holiday event or anything else.

    I don't think anyone would be offended if you offered to take over as long as you are respectful. I don't know the circumstances of the current host leaving the blogging world, but chances are that he/she would appreciate knowing that they have left a lasting impact on the blogging world and good memories for lots of people. It may also be that he/she is hoping that someone will offer to take over.

  6. Wow a very newsy post. I'm off to check out the Advent tour and your giveaway.
    I think you should ask about taking over the hosting of the challenge, I wouldn't be offended if I was leaving the blogging world and you won't know if you don't ask :-)

  7. I'm with the rest - there's no harm in asking and it's actually a compliment that you've loved their challenge so much that you want it to continue!
