Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Teaser Tuesday: The Cottage by the Sea by Ciji Ware

I love a good time slip novel. The idea of being able to look back and experience life in the past seems like a really fun one to me. I don't think I actually remembered that this was a time slip novel before I started it, so it was a pleasant surprise when I realised that it was!

My teaser today comes from page 86:

As if conducting an experiment, Blythe rested her forefinger lightly on the glass that protected the genealogy chart itself. Then she whispered aloud her own name. Immediately she felt the same strange force as beginning to pull at her, almost as if she were hurtling down a steep incline on a roller-coaster ride that was traveling at a hundred miles an hour.

Teaser Tuesday is host by Miz B at Should Be Reading. Head on over to find out all about it, and how to join in!


  1. Seems like a lot of people are reading this one now. Sounds very intriguing - I'll have to give it a look. Love the teaser!
    Here's mine.

  2. Great teaser! I've already added this book on my tbr list! Happy reading!

  3. You had me at the cover! Love the title, too. I'm a sucker for cottages.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  4. I have heard amazing things about this book and look forward to reading it. I will be interested in your review as well!!

  5. I want this book! My library doesn't have it...yet.

  6. Ooh, wonderful choice of teaser!!! Loved the book and thanks for stopping by today.

  7. Not my usual read, but the teaser is good!
    Thanks for visiting my TT :)

  8. Great teaser... I want to know more!!

  9. Wonderful teaser. This book is on my self waiting to be read. My TT: http://www.rundpinne.com/2010/06/teaser-tuesdays-making-of-duchess.html

  10. Ooh, very intriguing. Does this book have a supernatural element to it?

    Here's mine for this week :)


  11. Ooh so intriguing. Great teaser. Mine is at The Crowded Leaf.

  12. Great teaser! And I like the cover! Haven't read her books yet but I have Island of the Swans.

  13. Very alluring teaser!


  14. This one seems like a great read from the synopsis, the cover, and the teaser. I like a good time slip too!

    Thanks for stopping by BookSake.

  15. Sounds like a good read, I really like the title! Thanks for visiting my teaser :)

  16. That might be the best teaser I've read today! Love it!

    Here's my TEASER.

  17. I've seen this book making the rounds. I'll wait for your review. I've yet to read a time travel novel that lived up to Outlander!

  18. Sounds like a good book. Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

  19. The book sounds really interesting. THanks for visiting mine

  20. I have this one to review as well. I'm excited to read it. Great teaser!

  21. Sounds wonderful and intriguing ...

  22. This does sound good, Marg. I hope you are enjoying it.

  23. Nice teaser! Doesn't it make you wish we could use words in the same way ?

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  24. Wow, two people are reading this book at the same time...sounds like it's a good book.

    I like your teaser too

  25. Novroz, Wanda and Literary Feline, I am enjoying it so far.

    Kah Woei, I do some times wish I could step into the past, but always making sure that I was able to get back to now though!

    mlisame and Clarissa, it's certainly an interesting read.

    Jennifer, we do seem to be picking a lot of the same books.

  26. Kaye, I hope you get to read it soon!

    Lady Q, you are aiming high if you want a time travel book to live up to Outlander! May I suggest you look for A Winter Sea by Susanna Kearsley which I read last year and absolutely LOVED! Different from Outlander, but really, really enjoyable. It might be under the title of Sophia's Secret in some place.

    Carin and Alayne, I thought it was a pretty dramatic moment!

    Bina, the clincher for me is that the Cottage by the Sea is in Cornwall!

    Book Sake, I try to be a little careful around time slip novels, because some of them are great, and others not so much.

    Fredamans, glad you liked it.

    Elysium, this is the first book of hers I have read, but I just picked up Islands of the Swan yesterday from the library.

    Book Soulmates, the only supernatural element is the timeslip (aka time travel) aspect.

    Jennifer, hope you get to it soon!

    Together We Save, I keep on wanting to read more. Would quite happily have kept reading instead of coming to work today.

    Audreyscountrycrafts, thanks for reciprocating!

  27. Kaye, I am nearly finished and yes, I am going to enjoy it.

    Leya and Gautami, hope you get it!

    Lisa, thanks for stopping by.

    Zibilee, I think you might like it.

    Laurel Rain-Snow, the cottage plays a pretty key part, and I would love to see what it looks like. It sits right on the edge of a cliff - sounds lovely!

    Aleksandra, hope you get to read it and that you like it!

    jlshall, I have seen it around a few places too!

  28. It occurs to me I haven't read a time-slip novel in soooo long! Love the book cover! Lovely teaser!

    Thanks for dropping by mine! :)

  29. Like you, don't normally read this type of book but fun every now and then. The most recent time travel I read was "Now & Then" by Jacqueline Sheehan set in Ireland with Irish wolfhounds, shipwrecks, and handsome Irishmen! Great summer read.

    My TT is for "The Invisible Bridge" a first novel by Julie Orringer set in Budapest and Paris in late 1930s right as WW II begins. The link: Summit Musings

  30. I am really enjoying this book. I am getting towards the end :(

  31. I'll look for your ever -- I bet I'd like this one.
