Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Library Loot: 4 to 10 August

Library Loot is a weekly event co-hosted by Claire and myself that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library. If you’d like to participate, just write up your post-feel free to steal the button-and link it using the Mr. Linky any time during the week. And of course check out what other participants are getting from their libraries!

This week represents a new era in Library Loot! Claire is hosting for the first time, so please be sure to go and say hi and leave your links.

We figured that given that this will bethe beginning of a new era, it would be a good opportunity to give ourselves a new look! We are therefore looking for someone with graphics talents who can design a new button for Library Loot.  For all the details head on over to The Captive Reader.

I have a bit of a problem in relation to my library at the moment. There are currently six items sitting on the Hold shelf waiting for me to pick up, I have one space left on my library card, and I have no items ready to return. Uh-oh! Not sure how this will work out, but it will eventually.

Last week I picked up:

Anna by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles - When I think of Cynthia Harrod-Eagles I automatically think of the Morland Dynasty books. I was also vaguely aware that she writes some kind of mystery series, but I wasn't aware that there were still more books. When Misfit started talking about this trilogy, I knew that it was one that I wanted to read, given that I really enjoy reading books set in Russia!

Faithful Place by Tana French - Having really enjoyed In the Woods, and really loving The Likeness, I have been very excited at the prospect of this one!

Tongue of Serpents by Naomi Novik - It feels like forever since the last Temeraire book! Very much looking forward to this one.

Emma Vol 5 by Kaoru Mori - The next book in this graphic novel series.

The Night Villa by Carol Goodman - I think this is the last book from Goodman's backlist that I need to read. My library didn't have it though, so I had to get it through Inter Library Loan.


  1. Temaire! I really need that one. better check the library homepage if I have to make a emergency visit

  2. I think you'll enjoy the Kirov book. I loved all three. My looting's been a bit sparse lately as I whittle away at the home pile.

  3. I do hope you enjoy the new French. I am excited about starting that series!

  4. I've been seeing the new French book everywhere. Enjoy!

  5. I have a couple of Tana French's books but haven't read any of them yet. The GN of Emma looks cool! Great finds!

  6. Great loot! Anna looks like something I'd really enjoy.

  7. Oh you got the Tana French book! I think I need to buy that one though as I have the other two and I loved them so I have to complete my library :)

    Hope you enjoy the Goodman book. I really like her writing but the last couple of books (this one included) haven't been my favorites. I'm curious if she's working on something new now.

  8. Iliana, I read Arcadia Falls and found it a very comfortable read, but she is a bit formulaic. There is an interview on her website where she talks about her next book. She is also co authoring a new book under the name Lee Carroll which looks to be a kind of urban fantasy.

    Stephanie, I am really looking forward to Anna. I know I like CHE's writing, and I know I like that setting so it should be a win all round really.

    Mollie and Zibilee, move them up your TBR pile. The French books are excellent reads.

    Linda, there has been a lot of excitement about the release of the new French book. Hopefully warranted!

    Misfit, I think it might be time for me to have another dedicated time of reading my own books. I am almost being overtaken by unread books that I own.

    Blodeuedd, it does feel like forever since there has been a new Temeraire. I am particularly excited about this one as it is set predominantly in Australia.

  9. What a diverse selection of loot! Enjoy! :)

  10. I've been in that same hold list quandary at times. :)

    Good luck, and happy reading!
