Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Teaser Tuesday: The Countess and the King by Susan Holloway Scott

Despite the fact that I have numerous books out from the library that are due back soon, and not to mention the review books that I need to read, as soon as I received this book, I had to start it straight away because I had enjoyed all of Susan Holloway Scott's previous books set in the court of Charles II. There was no way known I was going to be able to wait until September to read it!

So my teaser from this week comes page 83 from The Countess and the King, which is due to be released at the beginning of September.

Still in the glow of the duke's earlier attention to me, this talk of his new bride did not concern me. I'd seen how it was with royal weddings, how they were affairs of state, not the heart, or even desire.

Please note that this teaser comes from an ARC and so may change slightly in the final printing.

Teaser Tuesday is hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading. Head on over to find out all about it, and how to join in!


  1. Great teaser! I LOVED this book and hope you enjoy it as much as I did Marg!

    Susan is such a phenomenal writer and her books are wonderful for escaping into another world!

    Happy Reading!

  2. Sounds intriguing...thanks for sharing.

    Also, thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. Sounds like great historical fiction. Enjoy! My teaser is from Brothers in Arms by Lois McMaster Bujold. Happy reading!

  4. Not familiar with this author, but definitely a great teaser!

    My post: The House on Mango Street

  5. uh oh, is she right or is she headed for heartache? I have yet to read any of her books but I want to!

  6. Good one.


  7. Great teaser! These books sound like a lot of fun and I am glad that you were able to pick this one right up and start enjoying it!

  8. How very practical of her! I hope you enjoy this!

  9. I like this teaser! But I get the sneaking suspicion that she's about to get an unpleasant surprise.

    Meanwhile, my own teaser is at Bookishgal.

  10. Looks like a good book!

    My teasers are here Manga Maniac Cafe

  11. Excellent teaser! Sounds like an interesting read - set in one of my favorite historical periods. Great cover, too!

  12. Ah, the synchronicity. My dh does a history post for me on Wednesdays, and is talking about Marie Antoinette vs the king's mistress.

    My teaser is here.

  13. Sounds like someone's about to have her heart broken! :) Nice teaser. Mine is at The Crowded Leaf.

  14. Ooh, Marg, you picked a great quote! Many thanks for making it your Tuesday Teaser. :)

  15. I'm not familiar with this author, but I'm off to Google. The teaser is very true. :)

    Thanks for visting me. :)

  16. Interesting teaser! Happy reading!

  17. Great teaser! Haven't read her books yet but I've read good things about them!

  18. I love historical fiction novels. I love the cover for this one. Great teaser!

  19. I'm not into historical books, but this sounds good.

  20. As someone who writes about women who made their clothes from flour sacks, all I can say is: that purple dress!

  21. I know Shelley, it's gorgeous isn't it!

    Yvonne, historicals are my thing, and I know that I enjoy this author's books so it is all good!

    Jennifer, Lady Q and Elysium, I can highly recommend Susan Holloway Scott's books.

    Shelley, the link in my TT post takes you to my thoughts on some of the author's earlier books if you are interested.

    Hi Susan, thanks for stopping by!

    Alayne and Phyl, I am not sure if she is going to be broken hearted or not, but I sure am enjoying finding out.

    Alice, throughout history the Mistresses seem to do all right for themselves at an emotional level don't they!

    Jlshall, it's one of my favourite periods to read about too.

    Clare, so far so good.

    Zibilee, I feel a little guilty, but some times we all just need a guilty pleasure, right?

    Kathy, it is great historical fiction.

    Amy, I am pretty sure I will!

    Thanks to everyone for stopping by!

  22. Great teaser!
    Thanks so much for stopping by my TT :)

  23. Thank you for stopping by. Enjoy your book. Mine's from The Lace Reader by Brunonia Barry.

  24. This woman sounds very sure of herself. And why not, if that dress featured on the cover is hers I can see why, it is devine.

  25. Love the teaser. Thanks for visiting!

  26. Great teaser!!! Interesting.

  27. Ah, a pragmatic woman! Good teaser!

    Thanks for dropping by mine! :)
