Sunday, August 08, 2010

TSS: South Pacific Bookchat

There are a number of reasons why at times it can be a little difficult to be a book blogger who is not based in the US. One of those things is that often a lot of the book related chat on Twitter happens whilst we are happily snoring in our beds.

Last night it was a very quiet night on Twitter while everyone in the US and UK was sleeping, and there were just a few people around. I was chatting with Maree from Just Add Books and Tanabata from In Spring it is the Dawn about missing all the good conversations and there was a suggestion made. Why don't we schedule a book chat for a time that is suitable for people from our area, and so South Pacific Bookchat was born.

If you are on Twitter and would like to join in, then please follow #spbkchat. The first #spbkchat will happen this coming Thursday at 8pm Japan/9pm Australian Eastern/11pm New Zealand, and will be an open forum for topics. The plan is to have a weekly event, so at the end of the chat we will agree a topic for the next chat. We will also be able to review the time etc as well.

The hope is that we can connect with other bloggers and tweeters from the South Pacific region who share a passion for reading and books.

Of course, if you live somewhere else in the world and are either up early or late (whichever may be the case) you will also be more than welcome to join in too.

We hope to see you there.


  1. Very cool idea! I hope you guys have fun with it!

  2. Would you believe I still have never tried Twitter. Sounds like a great idea Marg - I might have to check it out!

    PS: I finally got around to adding a Favourite Book Blog list on my site and you are on it. :)

  3. As I just told Maree, I hope I'm up on Thursday so I can pop in! :)

  4. What a great idea! Now I'm sad that I'm leaving Hawaii, because I could probably have jumped in there. :) Have great fun! I'm on my way home to the mainland tonight.
