Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Songs that should be played more on the radio

Every morning my alarm is the radio. Some times I get up and go and mess around on the computer in the main room, but lately I have been using the laptop in bed, and still listening to the radio.

As soon as I heard this song I tried to think how long it must have been since I last heard it, and my very vague answer is years, and yet it is a cool song.

I was interested to see that this video was originally banned, and that Sophie B Hawkins had other songs. I am pretty sure this is the only song of hers that made any impression here.


  1. I love that song. I have it on my iPod along with some of her other songs. But Damn I Wish I was Your Lover is my favorite of hers.

  2. Agreed - this song is great!

  3. Yes great song! I use to play this one in the car on cassette single.

  4. Damn! LOL I love that song! Not sure why the Video is banned. It would have been approved on this present day!

  5. I also haven't heard this song in ages, so it was like a blast from the past to see it here today! Thanks for sharing this with us!

  6. Umm I think waking up to that song would be the beginning of a fabulous day, lol. Jealous!

  7. I don't know this song! The only one I ever knew of hers was "As I Lay Me Down."

  8. I am not familiar with the song, but I really liked listening to it. Thank you for sharing the video with us! Like Erin, the only song I remember by her is "As I Lay Me Down."

  9. Literary Feline and Erin, it was only after you mentioned AS I Lay Me Down and I listened to it that I realised that I did know it.

    Cass, it was pretty good!

    Zibilee, you are welcome!

    JoV, seems a bit tame now doesn't it!

    Amanda, my car still has a cassette player but I don't have anything to listen to on it any more.

    Charley, I thought so!

    Linda, it certainly had me singing along!
