Friday, November 12, 2010

Blogoversary giveaway - Boxed set of Shaun Tan's The Arrival

5 Years! How long is that in blogging years?
It's hard to believe that I have been at this blogging business for 5 years! When I was a kid and teenager, I started dozens of journals. I would do a couple of entries, and then a couple of months later I would pick up the book, turn a couple of pages, and then start again, and the cycle continued over and over again. When I started blogging I actually half expected that same sort of thing to happen again, but it didn't! And now, 5 years on, blogging is an integral part of my life, and very much part of who I am! There are people who I know through blogging that I might never meet in person, but who I count amongst my friends!

To celebrate, I have a very special giveaway, but first a little background.

As soon as I saw a mention of the prize, I knew that I wanted to do a giveaway of it. Never mind that it is the most expensive non text book I have ever bought, and that I haven't bought myself a copy yet!

The Arrival by Shaun Tan is one of my favourite books that I have read since I started blogging, and I know that it is a book that has touched the hearts of other bloggers around the world. I've mentioned it here numerous times, and I have guest posted at other blogs about it, and if I see a review of the book on someone else's blog then I am practically guaranteed to comment!

It doesn't matter that there are no words in the book. The images have such strength that the story is evident and moving without words! One of the things I did when I first read this book was to give it to my then 8 year old son. While his story was different to mine, the key elements were the same.

Now, Shaun Tan has released a boxed set of The Arrival, and another book called Sketches from a Nameless Land, which gives the background behind The Arrival, the illustrations and so much more. To quote Shaun Tan, "it is like the extras on a DVD."

Here is the info from the website for this set:

This special boxed set of the best-selling, internationally acclaimed graphic novel THE ARRIVAL, and a new companion volume of commentary and developmental drawings, SKETCHES FROM A NAMELESS LAND, will fascinate anyone who has fallen under the spell of Shaun Tan's timeless story, and offers a revealing insight into the craft of one of Australia's most compelling author-illustrators.

THE ARRIVAL has become one of the most critically acclaimed books of recent years, a wordless masterpiece that describes a world beyond any familiar time or place. How did it come to be created, and what inspired its unique and captivating story? In SKETCHES FROM A NAMELESS LAND, author Shaun Tan explains the origins of his ideas, using examples from early research and concept sketches through to finished artwork. In tracing this evolution, he sheds light on the silent language of images, the spirit of the migrant experience and the artist's creative journey.

And here is just one of the videos from the website. If you would like to see more videos then there are a number of them available to view here.

As far as I am aware, this box set is only being made available through the Australian publishers and so if you win it, then you will have something that is quite hard to come by outside of Australia.

If you really love the book, and you are really cashed up, you might be interested to know that there is also a deluxe Collector's Edition which comes in a box that looks like a suitcase. Again, see the website if you want to drool over that! I must say that the website that has been developed to promote these releases is amazing, and you can easily spend more than a few minutes exploring it. Please note, if you do look at the website, then the prize that I am offering for this giveaway is the first item under Other Books, not the suitcase!

For those of you who haven't read The Arrival yet, what are you waiting for? I will also offer up a second  prize of a copy of The Arrival. In order to win this prize, you must be in a country that the Book Depository ships to.

Please spread the word so that as many fans of the book as possible get the chance to win this fantastic prize.

The prize details:

First prize: The winner will receive a special box set of The Arrival and Sketches from a Nameless Land as pictured above.

Second prize: One copy of The Arrival by Shaun Tan

The contest is open internationally, although for second prize I must ask that the prize winner live somewhere where the Book Depository ships.

Contest closes on 1 December 2010 at 5pm Eastern Australian Daylight Savings Time

To enter, please complete the following form:


  1. Congratulations for your 5 years, Marg! It's a real pleasure to read you every morning while I drink my tea.:)

  2. Congratulations on five years of blogging! That is truly amazing!

  3. Congratulations on five years! That's pretty big in the blogisphere! Here's hoping for five more years of blogging. Giving away a boxed set of The Arrival is very generous of you. What an excellent way to celebrate.

  4. Congratulations on five years! Wow! That's quite an achievement. Like you, I have never been able to keep a journal but I do seem to be able to blog.

    Thanks so much for you amazing generosity as part of your celebration. This is an awesome giveaway.

    I marked no on getting the book from Book Depository because I have a hardcopy edition already.

    The Arrival is an amazing book.

  5. Yay for five years! And all on one blog. :) (that's something I can't claim.) I first heard of Shaun Tan at WorldCon this year, but my budget wouldn't allow for his book. :( They displayed some of his work in the art 'gallery' though and it's amaaaazing. Thank you for the chance to win.

  6. Happy blogiversary: you rock!!!

    Not to mention, your giveaway is insanely generous and awesome.

  7. WOW! Congratulations on reaching five years! That's amazing!

  8. Congrats!!!!!!! Thanks for such a stupendous giveaway. I LOVE The Arrival. Just today as a matter of fact, I read Tales From Outer Suburbia. It was such fun to read!!
    I am definitely a big fan of Shaun Tan.

  9. Many congrats on making it through 5 years of blogging--that's wonderful! And what an amazing giveaway to celebrate. I've not yet read The Arrival, but the cover is beautiful and I've picked it up several times in bookstores.

  10. Wow, Congrats on the 5 yrs of blogging and great prizes too. Now I will have to do something really great when I hit five years ;)

  11. Congrats and Happy Blogiversary, Marg!

  12. I also have blogged 5 years BUT YOU have stayed with the same blog all that t ime; I have moved to WP & how many name changes have I had?
    who knows?

    so well done Marg.
    Happy Birthday x 5.
    and may you have 5 more
    or 50 more....

    Jane Life @ Number 8

  13. Five years & counting, well done Marg!!

  14. 5! Happy blogiversary and here's to many more!!! Thanks for the giveaway. The book sounds really good.

    By the way, I haven't received The Shadowy Horses yet. Should I be concerned? I know you're in Australia. I wasn't sure how long it takes to receive something from there. Just checking!

  15. Well done Marg. December 6th marks my foray into blogging and it will be 5 years as well this year. Oddly enough i had the same issue as you. I would attempt to journal but never carry on. I think its the interaction and writing for an audience that has helped me carry on

  16. Sean, the interaction and community definitely helps!

    Michelle, let me check with the person who was sending them out.

    Thanks Carmel, Melody, Cass and Iris

    Jane, I think that is more from laziness than anything else!

    Amy, this felt like a real inspiration moment! They don't happen all that often.

    Erin, I hope you get to read it, because The Arrival is an awesome, awesome book.

    Elisabeth, it must be about time for me to read another Shaun Tan book too.

    Thanks Eva! Hopefully I will get around to buying one of these sets for me too one day.

    Jaime, his art work it totally amazing! I would highly recommending borrowing from your local library to get a look at it.

    Beth, I wanted to give people the option of opting out because I know there are people who already have the book.

    Thanks Vasilly! Some times it feels like yesterday, and others like much longer!

    Thanks Alex! Seems kind of exotic to think of you sitting in Paris reading my blog!

  17. Congratulations on five years of blogging!! That's so great, I had no idea it'd been so long for you! (But not surprised!) I'm so excited by the contest - the book is on my to-buy list and so I plan to get it regardless of whether I win it or not, but i was thrilled to enter! Thanks Marg :D Happy blogoversary!

  18. Well done on five blogging years! That's fantastic- and here's to many more to come!

  19. 5 years is an amazing milestone - a very big congratulations Marg!

    Your giveaway is extremely generous - I have been in awe of these illustrations, seeing this reviewed on many blogs but have never sighted the book in person.

  20. I adore this book. I have a very well-thumbed copy that has pride of place on my shelves!

    I'll link to this in my giveaway round up, if that's okay :)

  21. That would be awesome if you could Stephane!

    Booklover, it is an awesome book, and well worth getting hold of.

    Thanks Sam!

    Shannon, I hope that you do get hold of it!

  22. Well done on 5 years of blogging Marg. I follow you everyday even if I don't comment often :-)

  23. First of all, happy happy blogiversay! 5 years is pretty amazing - you're one of the pioneers, hehe. Here's to many more :D Secondly, what an incredibly generous way to celebrate! I didn't even know this boxed set existed, so even if I don't win I'll be forever grateful that you brought it to my attention.

  24. Thanks Ana! I believe that this box set is only being released here, so it is something a little bit special!

  25. Congrats on 5 years!

    I like Shaun Tan's art. I use the free desktop background that he created for a little while ago.

  26. Happy Blogaversary Marg! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  27. Happy Blogaversary Marg! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  28. Happy Blogaversary Marg! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  29. Congratulations on your five years of blogging, Marg! I've been blogging for that long too and I'm glad we met through the blogosphere. It's really wonderful.

    I've been coveting Shaun Tan's The Arrival for a while now. Hope I'm lucky!

  30. 5 years! Great work ♥ Heres to another 5 !
    Love this giveaway This book sounds amazing!

  31. Congratulations on your 5th year blogoversary! My group's blog has just started this week ;P

  32. Happy anniversary! 5 years is awesome, I didn't even know about book review blogs that long ago!

  33. Happy blog anniversary!! :)

  34. Wow!!!! 5 Years?! That's amazing Marg!!! You and Kelly must be like the founders of book blogging :p I'll be hitting 4 years in about a month. This seriously has to be the best and most generous giveaway I have SEEN!! I love this book so much! And thank god I am FINALLY following your blog now :p I shall not miss any more posts :p

  35. Happy bloggiversary! I just saw the giveaway and entered if that's okay :). I'm a huge huge fan of Shaun Tan and The Arrival is one of my favorite books ever. That and Tales from Outer Suburbia. I got a chance to meet him in person a couple of months ago at an orchestra based on The Arrival in Sydney. He's so amazing to meet in person. Anyway, it's great to know another person who loves his works as passionately as I do! I already have copy of The Arrival (so I said no for second prize), but I would love love love the box-set (if I win that I can give away my copy of The Arrival to another lucky person) :D. Thanks!

  36. Happy Belated Blogoversary! 5 goodness MArg. TIme flies by when you're having fun with books. Here's to many more years of wonderful posts and books.

  37. I thought I had left a comment earlier in the month, but apparently I did not, sorry. Anyway, Happy 5th Blogiversary!!
    Also, thank you for the extremely generous giveaway!
    Here's to many more years of blogging about books! :)

  38. What a wonderful contest! Of course, I hope I win!

  39. Congrats on the blogoversary! And what a generous giveaway.

    I only just came to Shaun Tan in the last few years or so after a childrens' picture book short course in which the lecturer was a fan.

    I love The Arrival and The Red Tree especially. They never stay long in the bookshelf - I'm often having the occasional flick through.

    And thanks for commenting on my blog. Otherwise I'd never have found you. :)


  40. My apologies for greeting you so belatedly, but happy blog anniversary, Marg! Five years is terrific!
