Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Library Loot: December 22 to 28

Library Loot is a weekly event co-hosted by Claire from The Captive Reader and Marg from The Adventures of an Intrepid Reader that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library. If you’d like to participate, just write up your post-feel free to steal the button-and link it using the Mr. Linky any time during the week. And of course check out what other participants are getting from their libraries!

I am sure that like me the books that you are borrowing from your library right now are due back in 2011! It was a bit of shock when it first happened a couple of weeks ago. How on earth can we be that close to next year already? But we are!

Here's my loot for this week, all of which are due back next year. All of them except the one I have already returned that is! Be sure to head on over to Captive Reader to share your Library Loot for this week.

Angel's Peak by Robyn Carr - My inhalation of the Virgin River series by Robyn Carr continues. I borrowed this, read the book that night, and then returned it a couple of days later.

Away with the Fairies by Kerry Greenwood - I am not sure how many times I have borrowed this book and returned it unread, but it's quite a few! In fact it is so many that I actually haven't read a book in this series all year! Need to fix that next year.

Walkabout - next book in the Outback series that I have been reading with the Sweeping Sagas group at Goodreads. Had to get this one through ILL so will have to read this one relatively soon.

The Mischief of the Mistletoe by Lauren Willig - the next book in the Pink Carnation series. It would be nice to read this in the next week or so but I can't really see that happening.

Moonlight Road by Robyn Carr - I went to the library tonight, so there is every chance I will start this one tonight, although I don't think I will finish it tonight like I did with the last book.

Unholy Magic by Stacia Kane - I am going to read this book for one reason, and one reason only - Terrible. I am hoping that I warm up to the main female character a bit more in this book.

Down the Way by Angus & Julia Stone - At this year's ARIAs (which are the Australian Recording Industry awards), Angus and Julia Stone were the big winner's, coming away with several different awards. Time to see what the fuss is about!

Here is a video of them singing one of their bigger hits, Big Jet Plane

Merry Christmas to all the Library Looter's out there. Thanks for your support this year, and happy borrowing!


  1. I will be going to the library today. I don't currently have anything checked out but I won a raffle and need to go pick up my prize!

  2. Ooh! Away With the Fairies looks so good! I hope you enjoy all your new loot!

  3. Nice picks. The Mischief of the Mistletoe is a nice, festive read - I hope you do have the chance to read it during the holidays.

    Enjoy your loot!

  4. Great loot! Nothing for me this week, just trying to finish up the loot I got last week!

  5. My library is too small to do music loans unfortunately.

    The fact that I have never heard Big Jet Plane shows how much I am up on the Australian rock scene. It did remind me a bit of some of Nickel Creeks music, especially the violin/strings in the background.

  6. I don't do library books except for audio -- have way too many of my own to get through as it is. I used to, though, when I was younger. I lived across the street from the library and practically lived there!

  7. Marg, regarding The Mischief Of The Mistletoe, I have the same dilemma. Love the idea of reading it during the Christmas season, but so far it has taken me two weeks just to get to the halfway point!

  8. I hadn't heard of Angus and Julia Stone before reading your post. I like the song you chose to share.

  9. Hope your Christmas is joyous.

  10. You got me started on the Michael Dobbs Churchill books. Have finished Winston's War, starting Churchill's Hour and have Never Surrender on order from Good series! Thanks for the recommendation.

  11. Mamajulie, you are welcome! I am so glad you are enjoying the series.

    Thanks Beth, hope you had a fab Christmas as well.

    Charley, glad you liked them. They are an Australian band so I am not sure how much exposure they have had overseas.

    Danielle and Claire, it hasn't happened. Guess I will be reading it in February or some time like that anyway!

    Arleigh, I constantly have the dilemna of how to get through the books I own, whilst still getting through the library books. It doesn't always work!

    Sean, I think that they are kind of alternative.

    Zibilee, Away with the Fairies is book 10 or so in the Phryne Fisher series, which is a mystery series set in Melbourne in the 1920s.

    Care, have to love it when you win a prize!

  12. Ohhh Marge you have the Terrible Fever too huh?! :D I LOVE the Downside series. One of my favorites!
