Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Library Loot: January 12 to 18

Library Loot is a weekly event co-hosted by Claire from The Captive Reader and Marg from The Adventures of an Intrepid Reader that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library. If you’d like to participate, just write up your post-feel free to steal the button-and link it using the Mr. Linky any time during the week. And of course check out what other participants are getting from their libraries!

I do have a few more books to pick up from the library, but I really need to finish the book I am reading before I can go there because I have about 100 pages left to go and the book is overdue! I was able to pick up these two items before the book was due:

Little Paradise by Gabrielle Wang- I read a review of this book over at Book Gryffin, and I just had to add it to my TBR list instantly!

Tooth and Claw by Jo Walton- This is another blogger influenced pick up from the library although in this case it has taken me a while to actually borrow it. The review that I read originally was from Nymeth, but it was because I have heard mention of a new Walton book in a podcast that I was listening to, so I was reminded that I should borrow this one.

What loot did you get this week. Add your link to Mr Linky below;

And now I am off to try and finish this book


  1. I love the cover illustration for Tooth and Claw - reference to the Mona Lisa?

  2. I have heard good things about Tooth and Claw, and I can't wait to hear what you think about it!

  3. I remember Ana describing Tooth and Claw as Pride and Prejudice with dragons. How could you not want to read that?


  4. I hope you'll enjoy Tooth & Claw as much as I did!

  5. Tooth and Claw sounds interesting, enjoy! :)

  6. I really liked Tooth and Claw, but then I've enjoyed just about everything Jo Walton has written, and she writes incredibly different kinds of books. I can't wait for her newest book.

  7. Tooth and Claw is on my list. Enjoy!

  8. Love the covers on both your books. Hope they are good as they look!

  9. Its those buggers at Coode street isn't it. I shall be penniless but surrounded by books :)
