Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Library Loot: January 19 to 25

Library Loot is a weekly event co-hosted by Claire from The Captive Reader and Marg from The Adventures of an Intrepid Reader that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library. If you’d like to participate, just write up your post-feel free to steal the button-and link it using the Mr. Linky any time during the week. And of course check out what other participants are getting from their libraries!

Libraries made the news this week, not for the book that was returned 30 years late or anything like that, but rather because of the actions of a group of library members in Milton Keynes in the UK. One of their library branches is threatened with closure and so the library members protested by checking out every single book in the library! Yes, even those obscure books that no one ever actually reads!

Also in the news, the #savelibraries campaign on Twitter. When @MarDixon asked people to fill in the blank of the statement "Libraries are important because...", she couldn't see that the hashtag would very quickly trend around the world, and that authors like Neil Gaiman and Margaret Atwood amongst many, many others would fill in the blanks! To see just some of the tweets, click here.

I have mentioned before that I am lucky in that I live in an area where the library system is being expanded (there is a new branch being opened 10 minutes from home this year), but I am very conscious that there are many other library systems in the world where that isn't the case!

I supported my library this week by taking out the following items:

Tale of the Blue Bird by Nii Ayikwei Parkes - I read a review of this over at A Striped Armchair, and it sounds like something I would like to read. I was a bit surprised when it was available so I snapped it up straight away!

Children of the Storm by Elizabeth Peters - I was reminiscing the other day about how much I enjoy this series, when I suddenly realised that I haven't actually read one of these books for ages!

Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami - I don't think I have actually done my sign up post yet, but I am planning on participating in the Murakami challenge this year. At this stage it will only be at the 1 book read level, but who knows, it could well be more!

The Black Pearl by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles - This time, I am definitely going to read this book!

Angelique in Love by Sergeanne Golon - When I started reading this series my library had all the books. Now they have taken them out of the catalogue so I had to get this one through inter library loan.

You can share your Library Loot over at Claire's blog this week!


  1. Interesting selection of books - something for every mood. I have read but hardly remember Norwegian Wood.

    I want to see the film but I think it's better if I read the book first again. Hope you enjoy it.

  2. I didn't realise there was a film. I might try and get that after I have read the book

  3. I saw that story about the impending closure too. Good on them on taking a stand, but the staff would have had one hell of a week, to say nothing of what happens when they are all returned! At least it will be a chance to clean the shelves! My loot is here

  4. I've yet to hear words of cutbacks in my county library system, but good for those who protested. I need to start hunting down the Angelique books one of these days. I've managed to find two via swap, and I know the county has some in the catalog, but figuring out which of them is in English and which are in French is challenging :)

  5. I have the first book of the Cynthia Harrod- Eagles trilogy, and I am wondering when I am going to have the time to fit it in. I am really excited about starting it. Also, good luck with the Murakami. I only read one of his books a long time ago, and things didn't quite go smoothly for me. I am ready to try again though, and will be interested in hearing what you think!

  6. I read an enjoyed Murakami's book on running, even though I am a couch potato. those books look fun.

  7. Yay for libraries. I love mine and would fight to keep it open if they threatened to close it.

  8. Nice selection. I love the cover of Tail of the Blue Bird even though the story doesn't sound, at least from what Eva said, like quite my thing. Elizabeth Peters is always fun!


  9. Readng about libraries being in such dire straits in other parts of the world makes very thankful ours are so good and appear to be thriving. I imagine it's because books are so expensive to buy here.

    Nice variety of loot - good luck with the Murakami - I've yet to try any of his.

    Happy reading!

  10. Cat, I am not sure why we seem to not have so many issues with library funding - I expect it is because we use a different funding model?

    Claire, it has been far too long since I read Elizabeth Peters.

    Linda, I would totally fight if there was a threat to mine too.

    Beth, I actually have no idea what the Murakami book is about! This was the one that was recommended to me, so that is the one that I have gone with!

    Zibilee, the first one is an important foundation, but not the best of the books so far. I would read it, and bear in mind that they do get better.

    Misfit, I really think you would like the Angelique books. They are definitely sagas!

    Kylie, I wonder if the staff would have minded so much seeing as the community would not only be fighting for the library to stay open but for their jobs as well.

  11. The only book I've read from your loot is Norwegian Wood. I hope you enjoy it.

  12. Hi Marg,
    Thanks for bringing those library stories to my attention. I think it's just awful for any library to be threatened with closure. Just awful. The library members form of protest is just brilliant. I hope it made an impact on the decision.

    I'm finding the lists of books from everyone who linked up with Library Loot to be so interesting this week. I'm curious about the Murakami one and may just pick it up for my next loot.


  13. Interesting loot. The Murakami looks good, I should really read more by him! :)

  14. Yay Marg!!!! Norwegian Wood is so freaking good!!! I hope you love it :)

  15. I'll just jump on the "Yay for Norwegian Wood" bandwagon. :O) I really want to read it. It looks SUPER great.

  16. I love Norwegian Wood! I hope you love it too.
    You must read The Black Pearl, but be aware that The Morland Dynasty is very addictive!
