Saturday, May 07, 2011

Rachel Caine signing

This afternoon I was very excited to go to see author Rachel Caine visit one of our local library branches, in an event that was organised by Collins Werribee! This is the second event I have been to recently that was jointly run between these two, and I think it is totally awesome that a local bookshop is working with the local library to do this kind of thing!

The other thing is that it is totally awesome to have a NYT best selling author come to our little corner of the world!

There were probably about 40 people there counting the kids, enough to have quite a few questions asked, but not too many to lose that feeling of intimacy.

The signing and publicity was all in honour of Bite Me, the tenth book in the Morganville Vampires series. I haven't actually read any of that series, but I am a big fan of the Weather Warden series that she writes. It is, however, a series that I have read from the library so I don't actually own of them. I did own the first Morganville book, and I bought the next three after that so now I have the first four Morganville books signed.

Rachel talked a bit about how she came to be Rachel Caine, after she had started writing under two other names, about her reading and writing habits and more! She spoke very naturally and was a very interesting speaker, so I was glad to have made the effort to go and see her. In addition to getting my books sign we also got awesome bookmarks (holographic isn't the right word, but you know the ones where if you move it one way you see one picture, and something else when you move it the other way - one of those)

And for posterity

Afterwards I went for coffee with a few friends and had gorgeous waffles with strawberries and icecream and lots of melted chocolate! Yum!

I have realised though that every photo I have put up of myself over the last few months shows me wearing grey shirts. I promise I only own two! Going to have to think about wardrobe choices going forward!


  1. Sounds like a great event. Sorry I missed this one!

  2. Sounds like you had a fantastic time! I'm hoping to win tickets to Michael Connelly here (only way I can get the time off). Your library sounds very proactive!

  3. Great turnout for the event and sounds like you had a fantastic time. Too funny on the wardrobe choices -- I promise I didn't notice.

  4. Damn there goes my image of you :)
