Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Library Loot:July 25 to 31

Library Loot is a weekly event co-hosted by Claire from The Captive Reader and Marg from The Adventures of an Intrepid Reader that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library. If you’d like to participate, just write up your post-feel free to steal the button-and link it using the Mr. Linky any time during the week. And of course check out what other participants are getting from their libraries!
I very nearly didn't have any library loot to share this week. I haven't been to the library for over a week. Realising that I am not sure that I am going to have time to go over the weekend I made a special effort to go after work today. Lucky I guess, because there were quite a few books waiting to be picked up.

I quite often have a bit of a look to see what other people are requesting. It is probably no surprise to know that there were eight copies of one particular book sitting on the shelves waiting to be picked up. You know the one I mean. The library system has more than 25 copies and there is still a queue of around 130 people. You may be wondering why I am mentioning this? No, I didn't borrow it (been there, didn't buy the t-shirt) but just thought it was interesting because this is by far the biggest request queue I have ever seen in our local  library system.

Anyway, instead of talking about a book that I didn't borrow, here are the ones I did get:

Poppy and the Thief by Gabrielle Wang - Next Our Australian Girl book

Recipes for a Perfect Marriage by Morag Prunty - the other day Stephanie from Reading a Single Sitting mentioned a book in the comments as something I might like. After reading her review, I totally agreed and     so I broke my no new requests rule for July to request the book! Only problem is that it was a different book that she recommended! Whoops! This one sounds alright too though! Haha.

I am Half-Sick of Shadows by Alan Bradley - The next Flavia de Luce book.

Blood Song by Rhiannon Hart - I got home from work the other day to find an unexpected package at the door. It contained the second book in Rhiannon Hart's series, but I hadn't read the first one, so I had to go and borrow this one because I can't read a series out of order.

Fool Moon by Jim Butcher - Reloot. I am determined to get to this second book in the Dresden series.

Hometown Girl by Mariah Stewart - the next book in the Chesapeake Diaries contemporary romance series.

What loot did you get? Add your link to Mr Linky below so we can all  have a look at your loot!


  1. My friend just mentioned that she's on hold for the book--I should have asked her how many there were before her. You can pick them up so cheap now that it almost seems silly to wait months for the library book. The only other book I can remember having such a large hold volume is the Hunger Games trilogy after the movie came out.

    I stalled after the second Flavia novel. Need to get back to them!

    1. Even with books like Twilight and The Hunger Games the longest hold list I remember seeing is about 40 people. I could be wrong but it has never been as high as this one is!

  2. I love the cover of Blood Song. Enjoy!

  3. The Flavia book is the only one of these I recognize! Enjoy your loot!

  4. Reminds me I haven't read this Flavia yet. Enjoy your loot!

    1. I think that I am almost caught up now.

  5. I picked up Precipice by Virginia Duigan, Legacy by Larissa Berhrendt, The Life my Malcolm Knox, Perfect Blood by Kim Harrison and In One Person by John irving. No idea if I will actually get the time to read them though!


    1. I know exactly what you mean Shelleyrae!

  6. I am now looking at the Flavia de Luce series: "Eleven-year-old Flavia de Luce, an aspiring chemist with a passion for poison." I think I'll give book one a try sometime!

    Enjoy your books!

    1. It's a fun series! My review of the first one is hear if you are interested

  7. Ha! Now it looks like you have two books on food and marriage to read. ;)

  8. I just found this weekly even and I'm so glad! Thanks for hosting!

  9. Gosh, that's a lot of requests! Speaking of the book that shall not be named, i had a funny conversation with my boss earlier in the week. She's in her 60's and a great laugh. Especially, when she asked if anyone had read FSoG while we were all having a team lunch (mind you we are all psych's, social workers and nurses lol). She said she heard alot about it and downloaded it onto her Kindle and started to read it but didn't actually realise what it was about! She was so embarrassed haha

    1. Hah! I have had so many conversations about this book! Especially with people who aren't normally readers.

  10. A great loot - my wish list has increased by three - you are such a naughty influence! lol

    1. I do so love influencing people to read good books!

  11. "I Am Half-Sick of Shadows"...I love the title!
