Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Library Loot: August 7 to 13

Library Loot is a weekly event co-hosted by Claire from The Captive Reader and Marg from The Adventures of an Intrepid Reader that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library. If you’d like to participate, just write up your post-feel free to steal the button-and link it using the Mr. Linky any time during the week. And of course check out what other participants are getting from their libraries!
Our library currently is running a survey to ask what we like and don't like about the service. Most of the time I am pretty happy with the service we get. We have a wide range of books, CDs, audiobooks, now ebooks and lots more. They generally are happy to buy books if they don't already have them or get rarer books from other library systems through interlibrary load.

The questionnaire did have me wondering though what would I change. In an ideal world I would like my branch to be open late more than once a week, I would like the audiobook and ebook collections to be more seamlessly integrated into the library catalogue as currently you can't see due dates for these items on your account summary in the same way that you can for other items. There were a few other things that were mentioned along the way.

How about you? How would you change your library service?

Here's what I got from my pretty good library service this week:

Persuasion (DVD) - I recently read Persuasion by Jane Austen so I thought I would watch an adaptation of it. I was hoping for a different version, but this is the one that the library has so this will have to do.

Kitty's War by Janet Butler - I started reading this a few weeks ago and then realised that I was going to have to return it.

Between the Lines by Tammara Webber - Reloot!

With All My Love by Patricia Scanlan - Another reloot!

Dreaming Out Loud by One Republic - I quite like the new One Republic song so I thought I would see what the library has in the way of their music. They only have this album which seems as good a place to start as any.

Share your loot by adding your link to Mr Linky below:


  1. My library is pretty good as well but they paired with Wheeler Books for their e library and their selection is pretty dismal, I wish they had gone with overdrive.

    1. I think we are with Wheeler as well. I don't often borrow ebooks, partially because the range is so average.

  2. I wrote my library recently to say I would really love to search books in the catalogue by the name of the publisher. I'd like to know if they have any Persephone books or Hesperus books. We can search by title and author though you never know what will come up and wonder how it is sorted at times. But how much fun would it be so see the names of the publishers. They said they would "consider" it in future in their reply. Overall though I cannot complain as they do have a great catalogue of titles.

    1. Better search functions on the catalogue would be fabulous! Sometimes I just want to look at certain things - for example audio books - and you just can't!

  3. You'll have to tell me what you think of Persuasion. I think that was the adaptation I've seen, and I wasn't crazy about it...but I'm on the lookout for another one, as I'm re-reading the book at the moment.

    1. There is another adaptation that I would prefer to see but you have to go with what you have I guess!

  4. I love when my library does this kind of survey. Unsurprisingly, I always have lots to say! The only issue that currently bothers me is the inter-library loan system. It is entirely separate from the normal catalogue (fair enough) but there is no general log on. You have to log on in once place to request a book and then log out and log in again in another place to check the status of outstanding requests. Very cumbersome.

    Enjoy your loot!

    1. Streamlining sounds like it might be a good idea there!

  5. My main library is temporarily closed so the next closest is open later now. It really helps.
    For the first time in a long time, I don't have any loot. Trying to finish what I have before the next wave of holds come in!

    1. It is so nice to be able to go in the evening and not rush!

  6. I wish our library was open later. They close at 6pm Monday - Friday, they close at 2pm on Saturday and are closed completely on Sunday. It's awful.

    1. The branch I use most is open late on Wednesdays and all day Saturday. The main branches are open late every weeknight except Fridays and open on Sundays as well.

  7. Marg that Persuasion adaption is really faithfull in term of following the story. I think you will like although the other is a bit easier on the eyes ;-)

    1. Easy on the eyes would be nice, but not essential!
