Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Top 10 Tuesdays: Book Cover Freebie

This week's theme for Top 10 Tuesdays is Book Cover Freebie which can then be interpreted in any way we like. The brief is "choose what kind(s) of covers you want to talk about: prettiest, most unique, most misleading, weirdest, most memorable, creepiest, ugliest, etc". I am aiming for most delicious.

Just before Christmas we were talking about what we might want to buy for each other for Christmas and I gave a suggestion for a cookbook which couldn't then be sourced. The other day, we were out and suddenly I was presented with said cookbook because the husband is very good that way.

In honour of that, I bring you the Top 10 baking book covers from my bookshelves.

The obvious place to start is with the two books that I have received recently but first a couple of things I have noticed as I put this post together.

Firstly, there are a lot of Australian cooks/authors here, and there will be a few mentions of Masterchef Australia.  Just goes to show how much that show has influenced  the Australian food scene over the last decade!


Bake Australia Great by Katherine Sabbath  - Katherine Sabbath is an Instagram sensation with her amazing cake designs. Previously she had published a popup cake book (which sounds like so much fun, but it was seriously pricey) but now she has given us some fun designs and some delicious sounding flavour combinations. She has made numerous guest appearances on Masterchef Australia.

Natural Baking by Carolin Strothe and Sebestian Keitel - This is the cookbook I did get for Christmas. This one is a bit more outside my comfort zone as I am more about the normal baking recipes, but I don't think it will hurt us to try some different recipes

Women's Weekly Baking: The Complete Collection - If Masterchef has made  a difference to the Australian culinary landscape over the last decade then the Women's Weekly has done the same thing for the last 100 years or so. Come to think of it, the husband bought this one for me too. You can see how he encourages me in my baking!

Women's Weekly: Cook - Whilst this is actually an all round cookbook, I have made numerous baked things from this one over the years.

Merle's Kitchen by Merle Parrish - Many years ago Merle appeared on Masterchef as a guest to encourage the contestants to do some country style cooking, and everyone loved her. She ended up having two books published. This was the first.

The Sweet Life by Kate Bracks - Kate Bracks won a series of Masterchef a few years ago. This book contains my go to chocolate cake, lemon syrup cakes that are always a hit and more. I really must have a look at it again and see what else I can try out of it.

Simple Essentials: Chocolate and Modern Baking by Donna Hay - Donna Hay is an Aussie legend. Her cookbooks are always styled perfectly and her recipes are definitely doable, most of the time anyway.

Golden Wattle Cookery Book - Speaking of country style cooking, this is a  cookbook that has been in print in one form or another since 1926

The eagle eyed among you might spot that there are only 9 titles here. This is because there are a couple of online sources that I use a lot. The main one is the Queen website where there are all sorts of different recipes available, supplemented by the fortnightly challenge in their baking group on Facebook. The other sources are things like the free magazines from the supermarkets

Are you feeling hungry yet, or do you have a sugar headache?

Top 10 Tuesday  is  hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

I will also be linking this post up to Weekend Cooking as hosted by Beth Fish Reads.


  1. These kinds of posts DO make me hungry! I like the look of The Golden Wattle Cookery Book, and also the Chocolate one. Because chocolate. :)

    1. Because chocolate! Absolutely right Greg!

  2. This post is making me hungry! Bake Australia Great looks like so much fun! :)

    1. There are lots of fun ideas in the Bake Australia Great book Ashley.

  3. I'm not much of a baker myself, but these covers look so good that I'm hungry and wanting to start baking :)

  4. Yummy! I'm definitely feeling hungry now :) I don't use cookbooks much anymore, but I still love looking through them, especially when they have lots of lovely, mouth-watering photos.

    Happy TTT!

    1. Thats one of the best parts of looking through cookbooks Susan!

  5. I really like the cover for Women's Weekly Baking: The Complete Collection. Makes me hungry and want to bake.

  6. Baking is my passion. I buy cookbooks on baking whenever I see them. Now, here's the crazy thing...I have never seen or read any of these cookbooks. I must change that. Probably Modern Baking or The Sweet Life would be two good books to start with. I wonder what I would put on my list of most delicious covers....I shall think about that.

    1. It's funny how there are some cooks and cookbooks that are known worldwide but then the majority are pretty much only known in their home countries, in this case Australia.

      I'll be interested to see what you come up with Deb

  7. I've been wanting something sweet all night and gosh does this post tip me over the edge!

  8. I had to look up "wattle" and the dictionary said it is the acacia tree with clusters of yellow flowers. That alone made me love the title, and I love that it is so old. I adore old cookbooks.

    1. Old cookbooks are always interesting to look through!

  9. I have donna Hay's chocolate book! ;-) I love her recipes and food styling.

  10. We have a lot of Donna Hay books at the Book Cellar.
