Saturday, July 04, 2020

Weekend Cooking: Sausage Rolls

I don't know about you but I have a list of things that I want to try and make one day, but haven't yet done so because they either feel intimidating, or too technically challenging or just because.

Things that I can think of that fall into this category for me included things like choux pastry, honeycomb and macarons. I want to make them, but I don't know when that will happen. And until recently another item on this list was sausage rolls, but not any more!

Sausage rolls are party food favourites here in Australia, along with party pies (small meat pies), and some times with cocktail sausages (think tiny hot dog sausages), as well as exorbitant amounts of tomato sauce (ketchup). And it's not only kids parties where this is true. When I used to go to monthly book club meetings, you could have all sorts of food available, but if there wasn't at least party pies or sausage rolls then there would be anarchy!

So what is a sausage roll? According to Wikipedia sausage rolls are "sheets of puff pastry formed into tubes around sausage meat and glazed with egg or milk before being baked." It also suggests that there is something called sausage bread in the United States which is similar, although the outside is pizza dough instead of puff pastry.

When I was looking for a sausage roll recipe to make, I didn't realise that I had chosen a recipe that was a bit healthier. It is one of those recipes where you hide the veggies so the kids don't realise they are there. There are plenty of other sausage roll recipes that don't have veggies in, or use different meats, but this is the recipe that I chose to make.

I would also make these again. Those hidden veggies came in handy for my man child (my son who is 21!) because I am not really sure he would eat veggies by choice. We had these for lunch one Saturday and put the leftovers in a container. The next day I was looking for the container but it had disappeared into the black hole that is his bedroom, never to be seen again.

The recipe came from

Sausage Rolls

400g sausage mince
300g chicken mince
1 onion, finely chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 medium carrot, grated
1 medium zucchini, grated
1 cup (65g) fresh breadcrumbs
3 tablespoons chopped parsley
2 eggs
1/2 teaspoon Ground Nutmeg
Salt & freshly ground pepper
4 sheets frozen puff pastry, semi thawed
1 tablespoon (10g) sesame seeds
Tomato sauce, to serve

Preheat oven to 200°C. Line 2 baking trays with baking paper. Mix both minces, onion, garlic, carrot, zucchini, breadcrumbs and parsley. Beat 1 egg and add to mince mixture. Add nutmeg and seasoning. Divide into 8 equal portions.

Cut pastry sheets in half. Place a mince portion down the centre of pastry. Beat remaining egg and brush edges.

Roll up to enclose filling, and cut into 6 pieces. Place on trays, seam side down. Brush with egg and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bake for 20 mins, reduce heat to 180°C, and cook for 10 minutes until golden. Serve with tomato sauce.

    Weekend Cooking is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book reviews (novel, nonfiction), cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs, restaurant reviews, travel information, or fun food facts. If your post is even vaguely foodie, feel free to grab the button and link up anytime over the weekend. You do not have to post on the weekend. Please link to your specific post, not your blog's home page.


  1. Sausage rolls have been on my to-do list as well. I read about them in my mystery novels, the ones set in England, Ireland or Australia and I always want one. I'm glad you posted this recipe. Love the idea of adding the veggies.

    1. I hope you get to try them some times.

  2. That sounds like a nice Canapé -- or a good snack if you eat a whole box of them like your son seems to have done.

    be well... mae at

    1. Perfect midnight snack apparently Mae.

  3. Your sausage rolls look so good! I need to try these.

    1. I hope you do get to try them Melynda.

  4. Sausage rolls are something we make every Christmas and at other times when I'm in the mood. I love them. That's an unusual recipe with so many different ingredients. I just use sausagemeat, bacon, onion and some herbs. You're right, no gathering is complete without them. LOL

  5. I have often thought I might like to try to make macarons but I feel a little intimidated. I'll bet your sausage rolls were delicious!

    1. they were Judee. I am building up the courage to try to make macarons soon Judee. Maybe.

  6. Good job on getting the veggies into your son! I did a similar meal this week with turkey zucchini burgers. Actually really good.

    1. We have a pork nachos recipe that is good for that Claudia

  7. First, love love sausage rolls and this recipe sounds good. I just have to figure out a gluten free pastry. Ditto for chou pastry.
    Macarons are on my list too and they are naturally gluten free.

    1. sounds like we have a similar list Jackie.

  8. Oh yay! Can't wait to try this. I too LOVE sausage rolls. I've been crazy busy this week, but I'll have a post next week.

  9. I am learning that sometimes a bit of effort is worth it Vicki, but the rest of time quick and easy is a winner for me.
