Saturday, August 29, 2020

Weekend Cooking: August Baking

It's the last Saturday of the month and that means it is time to share my baking for this month. I started doing this earlier this year because otherwise every Weekend Cooking post would be about something sweet, which might be a bit much.

This is what what I cooked during August!

Weekender cookies - This was one of the Queen Baking Club fortnightly challenges. They are cookies with currants and rolled in cornflakes.

Apple and ginger self saucing pudding - I made this one last month as well. It is so good it was worth trying again!

Banana cake with cream cheese frosting - I have had a go to recipe for choc banana bread for years, which I still love, but we had some bananas and my husband has a thing for cream cheese frosting so we tried this recipe, and it was good.

Macarons with chocolate passionfruit filling - I was sent a kit to try making macarons. I posted about making them here.

Giant Chocolate Chip Cookies - these were another fortnightly challenge, and these were oh so good. You definitely only need to eat one of these cookies per sitting!

Strawberry Eton Mess Cupcakes - The final Queen challenge for this month. We enjoyed eating these,and there was an added bonus of  many leftover meringue kisses, which my husband thought was a treat something like peanuts. You can just eat them and eat them until they are all gone!

Weekly Meals

Saturday: Beef Bourgignon with mashed potato
Sunday: Beef Bougignon with rice
Monday: Baked zucchini, tomato and parmesan risotto
Tuesday: Thai Green Chicken Curry Pie
Wednesday: Bacon, Zucchini, mushroom pasta
Thursday: Steak, mushroom, broccolini, pea
Friday: Takeaway Friday - pizza

    Weekend Cooking is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book reviews (novel, nonfiction), cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs, restaurant reviews, travel information, or fun food facts. If your post is even vaguely foodie, feel free to grab the button and link up anytime over the weekend. You do not have to post on the weekend. Please link to your specific post, not your blog's home page.


  1. Your baked goods always look delicious. This time the chocolate cookies are the most tempting.

    be well... mae at

  2. The banana cake with the cream cheese icing looks wonderful. Lucky family to benefit from your baked goods!

  3. I too am attracted by that banana cake ... I just happen to have some cream cheese in the refrigerator. Hummm. It's early Saturday here--plenty of time for a weekend bake. I also like the idea of sharing your week's dinners. I may start to add that to my posts.

    1. We are very partial to cream cheese frosting in our house BFR!

  4. I should do a monthly recap of new recipes. 2020 has certainly seen more than its share of cooking!
    I'm off to read your list of top books.

  5. Ok I don't know how I missed that risotto recipe or maybe I forgot about it.....but I'm definitely going to try making that. It looks easier than other risottos.

    Looks like you've had a very good week, food wise!

    1. It's super easy and once you have the concept down you can adapt it to other recipes. We also do mushroom and bacon risotto that way!

  6. Both were delicious Vicki!

  7. Your desserts look so good, Marg! I'm afraid I won't be doing much in the way of baking sweets anymore since my husband was just diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. Hopefully, he can get it under control and be allowed a treat every now and then. Otherwise, I'll have to sneak my sweets when he's not looking! :)

    1. Well.....I probably should eat a bit less myself!

  8. These all look amazing especially that banana cake, frosting is my downfall!

  9. I didn't get my Weekend Cooking post done in time, but now I should definitely have it ready for early posting next weekend! Your baking looks incredible!

    1. Look forward to reading your post next weekend Laurie!

  10. ooh did i comment on this? i thought i had ... lots of lovely baking going on here marg. i agree with your hubby - the icing is the best bit! i remember making something as a child with my sister which had cornflakes and currants and butter. delish!

  11. All those lovely sweets! I am not a baker and no one in my household has a sweet tooth (lucky for me because they would be very sad otherwise) but those macaroons had my mouth watering.

  12. What a whole lot of deliciousness you have going on in your kitchen, Marg. I haven't baked for awhile, but your photos and descriptions are inspiring (or teasing) me. Loved the name of your blog, too -- especially intrepid -- fearless, adventurous, and enduring -- keep up the tasty work!
