Saturday, February 13, 2021

Weekend Cooking: Around the World with Atlas Masterclass - Episode 3

Before I start I wanted to apologise for last week. I didn't realise the Mr Linky hadn't embedded properly in my post until late on Sunday my time which means people couldn't add in their links. I will do better today!

Last year we discovered the Atlas mealkits which I have posted about a couple of times before (here and here). We haven't been ordereing them quite as often as we had been, but when we do we are still enjoying them.

Since the last time I posted we have done five more boxes - France, America, Argentina and this week China along with a favourites box. That's covering a fair amount of the world without actually leaving home. 

Favourites Box

This is when the company puts together a selection of dishes in one box. The main reason for choosing this dish was the Eggplant Moussaka which ironically was our least favourite. I am still on the lookout for a really good moussaka. One day I will find it!

Patatas Bravas, Chicken, Potatoes and Chorizo

    Eggplant Moussaka

Porchetta, Fennel, Radicchio and Orange Salad


 Thyme Roasted Chicked, lentils and goats cheese salad

Steak Frites, Cafe de Paris butter, asparagus


We also had a Tuna Nicoise Salad which I didn't take a photo of.

Our favourite of these was the Steak and Frites. The Cafe de Paris butter was delicious, and the meat that comes in these boxes is always really good quality.

USA - Thanksgiving box

The three meals in this box were: 

Thanksgiving chicken dinner with all the trimming

Including apple pie!

Baked beans, corn cakes, peach and ricotta salad

Beef Burger on a potato bun with fries


The burger sauce on this was amazing! So much so that we had normal burgers a couple of days later just so that we could make sure that we used it all. We didn't want to throw out a drop if we could avoid it!


Chicken a la Plancha with pasta

Potato and Mozzarella Tortilla  (we may have added extra mozzarella)

We also had Beef Skewers with Radish and Orange Salad. The biggest surprise of this was the radish. I could have sworn that I didn't like radish, but it didn't taste anything like I thought it did, and it was delicious with the orange.


Char Sui Pork Baos - so delicious!

Da Pan Ji Chicken with Noodles

Tonight we will be having Shitake Dumplings, Sichuan Vinegar Sauce.

Where will be going next? I am not really sure, but it will be somewhere.

Weekly meals

Saturday: Out for dinner
Sunday: Toasted Sandwiches
Wednesday: Pork Char Sui Bao Buns
Thursday: Da Pan Ji Chicken with Noodles
Friday: Grilled cheese on toast

Weekend Cooking is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book reviews (novel, nonfiction), cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs, restaurant reviews, travel information, or fun food facts. If your post is even vaguely foodie, feel free to grab the button and link up anytime over the weekend. You do not have to post on the weekend. Please link to your specific post, not your blog's home page.


  1. Those are amazing meal boxes. We have tried Hello Fresh here and it came with everything, amazingly easy. But I haven’t seen one with so many food of different countries featured.

    The French meals look like my favorite & I’ll have to see if that company is in the US.

  2. I agree with Tina, each box looks amazing, and what a fun way to try different meals without buying a whole cart of food to have the ingredients.

    1. I would never be this adventurous if I had to pick a recipe and ghten go buy all the ingredients Melynda. This way we don't have to worry about making sauce etc.

  3. Nothing like steak frites - we have steak every Friday. That way my husband does the meat and I do a side.
    Patatas fritas were a favourite when we were in Spain. You just reminded me I should make them. We had a local restaurant (called Barcelona) that made great ones but sadly they haven't survived the lockdown.
    You have me intrigued by the burger sauce, I wonder what was in it.

    1. Jackie, I think that there was mayonnaise, chopped gherkin, tomato sauce and Worcestershire sauce. It's a question of what the ratios are!

  4. Yum, that potato and mozzarella tortilla looks amazing. Looks like you enjoyed some good and varied eating.

    1. We've made a couple of different versions of tortilla recently. We are definitely going to make more.

  5. It's always interesting to see what pre-made meal suppliers like yours do to food that I'm very familiar with. I find their interpretation of French meals to be similar to the one that's common in the US. Specifically, the French tend to serve meals in courses, and to put very few items on a plate for each course. So in France, you would very likely be served asparagus as a starter, and then steak and potatoes on the plate for the main course. Similarly, a lentil and goat cheese salad wouldn't be on the same plate as chicken in most French venues.

    "American as apple pie" is a cliche saying -- but it's not really the most likely pie selection for Thanksgiving here; that would be pumpkin pie. I admit that apple pie is better.

    Finally: the recipe that really introduced moussaka to the US was in the first volume of Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking. It's really a complex recipe and I think I have only ever made it once. As you imply, there are many many different ways to prepare it.

    Anyway your post is very intriguing and I'm sorry I have said too much.

    be safe... mae at

    1. No need for apologies Mae! It's interesting to hear other's thoughts.

      I think if nothing else, apple pie is a safe choice. Most Australians woudn't be in a hurry to try pumpkin pie, even though we have all heard of it.

  6. The Da Pan Ji Chicken with Noodles was delicious. We will make that again

  7. so much fantastic food Marg. love that tortilla!

  8. Wow, yummy. Food in boxes should be coming my way as well. I did have a neighbor bring me some cooked turkey and it was so delish, cold or hot--its always great.

    1. I think you must have linked the wrong post. This is a cooking meme and there was no food at all in your post that I could see.

  9. Replies
    1. We do talk a lot about using these as inspiration. We aren't as good at actually doing it as we should be.
