Saturday, June 19, 2021

Weekend Cooking: Chicken Kiev Tray Bake

We have been predominantly working from home now for well over a year. I guess it has been long enough now to consider this to be normal, as opposed to a new normal.

One of the advantages of being at home all day is that it is much easier to eat dinner at a reasonable time. Previously we would finish work around 5.30 so we would be getting home at around 6.45 and then start to organise dinner. By being at home, it does mean that you can do some prep between meetings or tasks. For example, on the nights when we are having baked potatoes, it is nothing to wrap them in foil and then put them in the oven and then going onto the next task.

We have tried a few different tray bakes over the journey and the recipe I am sharing today is one that we tried recently and enjoyed. Robert enjoyed it so much that we ended up having actual home made chicken kiev a couple of weeks after the first time we made this

On the website it is called Lazy Chicken Kiev Tray Bake, but I have chosen to remove the word lazy because maybe it is more smart and/of efficient rather than lazy. It is definitely a 70s throwback taste wise, but we really enjoyed it, especially the crunchy flavoured bread crumbs which you could use on other dishes as well.n

Chicken Kiev Tray Bake 

4 (about 950g) chicken breasts, lightly scored
80g garlic butter, at room temperature
2 tbsp chopped fresh continental parsley leaves
2 tbsp chopped fresh chives
1 small lemon, rind finely grated, cut into wedges
105g (11/2 cups) fresh white breadcrumbs, made from day-old bread
250g baby truss tomatoes
250g green beans, trimmed

Preheat the oven to 210C/190C fan forced. Line a large baking tray with baking paper. Place the chicken on the prepared tray.

Place the butter, parsley, chives and lemon rind in a bowl. Season. Stir well to combine. Spread half of the butter mixture over top of chicken breasts. Stir the breadcrumbs into remaining butter mixture. Press the breadcrumb mixture onto the chicken breasts.

Scatter the tomatoes and beans around the chicken. Spray the vegetables with olive oil. Season. Bake for 20 minutes or until golden and the chicken is cooked through. Serve with the lemon wedges.

Weekly menu

Monday: Out for dinner
Thursday: Steak, baked potatoes, green beans
Friday: Takeaway 

I am hoping that Mr Linky is working a bit better this week. There were some issues with it last week!

Weekend Cooking is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book reviews (novel, nonfiction), cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs, restaurant reviews, travel information, or fun food facts. If your post is even vaguely foodie, feel free to grab the button and link up anytime over the weekend. You do not have to post on the weekend. Please link to your specific post, not your blog's home page.


  1. That does sound like a smarter and easier way to make chicken Kiev. And, yes, my favorite thing about working at home for my entire career is/was getting a start on dinner during the workday.

  2. Interesting that the simplified version also eliminated the classic of rolling the chicken around the butter so that there was melted butter inside the serving of meat. Keeping the butter inside to create a dramatic presentation was the challenge of the older version of the dish. This looks much simpler.

    best... mae at

    1. There's no doubt that there is something special about cutting into a chicken kiev and getting that ooze of butter Mae!

  3. I love me a tray bake and am definitely saving this recipe! I had retired just months before the pandemic had our agency work from home but I can see where it would make like dinner prep easier. I remember getting home late enough and then needing to start.

    1. It was always a challenge to get home and start cooking at 6.30 or 7pm Tina.

  4. I had worked a lot from home before I retired so I know how much you can get done!

    1. I really didn't want to work from home Jackie but now I don't see myself ever working from the office full time.

  5. That tray bake sounds perfect, and of course it is smarter! Looking for more recipes like this one since our little grandson arrived.

  6. I miss working from home for exactly that reason. This does sound like an easy, tasty dinner!

  7. It's good to see something positive about working from home, there is so much negativity in the media!

    The recipe sounds divine:)
    I hope you're going to share some of your recipes from the bush foods workshop you went to. BTW Did you know there is a Bush Foods Facebook group?

    1. My negatives around working fromm home relate to the hours that I work Lisa! I even logged into work with the intention of working for several hours but the system was down. Other than that, I really enjoy working from home, especially seeing as Robert is home most of the time too.

  8. This sounds really good and easy enough for me to try! Thanks.

  9. gotta love a tray bake! i like to add potatoes and carrots to mine. Soooo tasty.

  10. My post this week is about a "slab pie" which sounds a bit like a tray bake, though I am not completely sure of this. I made a slab pie for the first time a couple of years ago. One of the things I like about it is that it is not fussy.
