Friday, July 02, 2021

Paris in July!

I interupt my Music A-Z weekly feature to post my launch for this years Paris in July event.

Over the course of this year's event I intend to post a few different things from music, to books, to a TV show.  I  also intend to go to have a French themed day out and who knows what else.

For today though, it is only right that given that today should have been a Music A-Z day that I share some Paris themed songs. 

Where Do You Go To My Lovely by Peter Sarstedt - We'll start with a song that doesn't have Paris in the title but features lots of Paris locations in the lyrics

Let's Make Love by Tim McGraw and Faith Hill - Whilst this song doesn't reference Paris at all the film clip is definitely Paris forward. I will say I don't know how Faith Hill did all that touristy stuff wearing those shoes all day! 

Paris by The Chainsmokers - There had to be at least one song called Paris right? I do like the definition that accompanies this song - "paris \ 'pa-res\ n 1 : a sentimental yearning for a reality that isn't genuine 2 : an irrecoverable condition for fantasy that evokes nostalgia or day dreams". Isnt this whole month long event somewhat about daydreaming about Paris?

I Love Paris by Ella Fitzgerald - I thought I would finish with this one which not only features the lovely voice of Ella Fitzgerald but also imagery from the movie Midnight in Paris.

I do have a few other songs up my sleeve which I may share a bit later in the month. Do you have any favourite Paris songs?

Paris in July is in it's 11th year and is hosted by Tamara at  Thyme for Tea