Saturday, November 06, 2021

Weekend Cooking: What I Baked in October

Normally on the last Saturday of the month I share everything I have baked each month, but I have decided to change that post from the last Saturday to the first Saturday in the next month. What isn't changing is the focus on the new recipes I have tried as well as the old favourites that I have remade

Yesterday I reshared a post about kids cake book, and mentioned that my son chose to have a green flamingo cake for his birthday, and here it is!! Whilst the recipe is a simple butter cake, with a butter cream, where I tried to stretch myself was in making the chocolate feathers which was a fun technique.

The only problem with making a shaped cake like a flamingo is that there is lots of leftover cake. And with the leftover cake I made trifle! Yum.

Dutch Apple Pie with a Cheddar Crust - I posted about making this pie here.

Little lemon syrup cake - After trying something new with the cheddar crust I then reverted back to one of our favourites. So lemony and delicious

Black and white wagon wheels - Several people at work have been making wagon wheels so I thought I would have a go. What I didn't realise is that they only made one of the versions, not both. I think when I make it again I would do a milk chocolate with raspberry jam version, instead of blackberry jam. It was delicous but the white chocolate was very sweet, especially seeing as the biscuits inside are honey flavoured. They do look impressive though.

I am also sharing this post with In My Kitchen, hosted at Sherry's Kitchen.

Weekly Meals

Saturday - Mushroom, zucchini, ham and pasta

Sunday - Burgers

Monday - Anniversay dinner at the beach

Tuesday - Dinner with the family

Wednesday  - Pork chop, mash and broccoli

Thursday - Tacos

Friday - 

Weekend Cooking is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book reviews (novel, nonfiction), cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs, restaurant reviews, travel information, or fun food facts. If your post is even vaguely foodie, feel free to grab the button and link up anytime over the weekend. You do not have to post on the weekend. Please link to your specific post, not your blog's home page


  1. I think I'd like to try making Trifle (yours looks lovely) but I think of it as a summer dessert and the temperature in Boston is approaching freezing later tonight.

    I am with you about no nuts in my streusel! I have *heard* of the apple pie and cheese combination and perhaps erroneously thought it was a US midwestern thing. But maybe it is English?

    I like apples and I like cheese but think your crust would be more appealing than a slice of cheese on top of the pie. We have our own apple pie recipe which has sour cream and streusel. It's excellent so we should make it more frequently than for Thanksgiving.

    1. Your apple pie with sour cream and streusel sounds so good!

      I agree that trifle is a summer recipe. It's a staple on the Christmas menu here!

  2. You did so well with the flamingo! You’d never have recognition as bird if I did it! Very creative and I hope your son enjoyed it.
    Love the trifle, good use of extra cake.
    I see CLM’s comment & made me think of my father putting a slice of cheddar on hot apple pie.

    1. I hadn't heard about cheese and apple pie until Mae mentioned it a few weeks.

  3. I agree with Tina about the flamingo. Your bakes are always so inspiring. I often eat apple and cheddar slices together, though I've not put cheddar on my apple pie. It's a thing in certain parts of the U.S.

    1. The flamingo wasn't perfect, because I am not good a decorating, but it was fun to make.

  4. That Flamingo rules! Such a lovely variety, I must try them. I remember from years ago an article I read explained the cheddar cheese and apple pie connection. A slice of cheddar cheese was served after eating pie to remove the sugar from your teeth. Brushing was not as common back then apparently!

    1. How interesting. Thanks for sharing Melynda

  5. All sounds delicious. I'm clueless when it comes to layer cakes. I can't even frost them neatly, much less decorate them.

    best... mae at

  6. What a lovely flamingo cake for your son! That's what I've done in the past, only with fallen or crumbled cake - make trifle. An excellent solution.

  7. Waste not, want not at it's best!

  8. thanks so much for joining in with IMK Marg. great to have you! love the wagon wheels (white ones - amazing) and the green flamingo cake is a hoot. Yes the cheese with apple thing is very much a british invention - scottish i think. take care

    1. I have no idea why he wanted a green flaming Sherry, but he did.

  9. Your son must be an unusual kid, why the flamingo? And you did a lovely job. I am with you regarding white chocolate, it's very sweet. Cheers to your baking efforts, I don't even try any more. There is only the 2 of us and I would probably eat everything by myself.

    1. Lucky my husband is an appreciative audience Liz!

  10. The green flamingo cake is really lovely, i've only stretched myself once with an owl cake a long while back.

  11. apple pie with cheddar crust - now that is something intriguing! I love novelty cakes and you did a great job with that green flamingo!
