Saturday, October 29, 2022

Weekend Cooking: A Treasure Trove of Cookbooks

Just a quick post from me this week as work has been really full on, and I am going to still be working all weekend

I did, however, want to share a link that I came across this week which I think that some Weekend Cooks might be interested in.

Did you know that there is an archive of over 10000 recipe books to be found over at Internet Archive. Maybe you would like to read Escoffier's A Guide to Modern Cookery, published in 1907. Or perhaps you would like to read Betty Crockers' Cookbook for Girls and Boys from 1975. Or perhaps you are interested in a specific ingredient like mushrooms.  A quick search reveals there are 62 different books about mushrooms available. Some of these are duplicates, but there still should be some variety in there.

Perhaps you are interested in a particular era? There is a cookbook called  Original recipes of good things to eatby Order of the Eastern Star. Logan Square Chapter No. 560 (Chicago, Ill.) published in 1919 which might be of interest. I have a quote that I have been saving for a long time about a WWII cake. I have searched on and off for a recipe but haven't found the one.  There seem to be quite a lot of books on wartime food, going back as far as the civil war, so chances are, I might find what I am looking for there.

There are also some books full of handy hints. For example, maybe I should read A thousand ways to please a husband with Bettina's best recipes published in 1917 to get some more tips for having a happy spouse and therefore a happy house!

In some cases the books are available to read from within the archive. Other times there are links to other organisations, but it does look like there are lots of interesting books to look at when time permits.

I also wanted to give a shout out to Davida from Chocolate Lady's Book Blog who shared the Open Culture link on Facebook! Thanks Davida.


 think this is a fitting place to round out National Caookbook Month. At the beginning of the month I had a vague plan as to what I was going to post about. A new cookbook, a favourite cookbook, an Aussie author. And yet that isn't what I ended up posting about at all. Oh well, there's always next year.

  Weekly meals

Saturday - Steak with mushroom and broccolinI
Sunday -  Steak, baked potato, sweetcorn
Monday - Asian Omelettes with Sticky Pork
Tuesday - Grilled Steak with Cheese open sandwich
Wednesday - Takeaway
Thursday - Zucchine, Parmesan and Tomato Risott
Friday - Chicken Curry and Rice

Weekend Cooking is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book reviews (novel, nonfiction), cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs, restaurant reviews, travel information, or fun food facts. If your post is even vaguely foodie, feel free to grab the button and link up anytime over the weekend. You do not have to post on the weekend. Please link to your specific post, not your blog's home page.


  1. Thank you so much for these internet archive cookbook links!!!!

  2. I didn't know such a thing existed, how cool! Thanks for the links.

  3. Quite a good resource, thanks for the link. I do believe there was a WW II cake in The Kitchen Front, which is on our upcoming Cook the Books read list.

    1. I have had that book on my TBR list for a while Claudia so I am excited to see this on the Cook the Books list Claudia!
