Sunday, April 02, 2023

Six Degrees of Separation: Born to Run to I Wish I Had a Red Dress



Welcome to this month's edition of Six Degrees of Separation, which is a monthly meme hosted by Kate from Books Are My Favourite and Best.  The idea is to start with a specific book and make a series of links from one book to the next using whatever link you can find and see where you end up after six links.  I am also linking this post up with The Sunday Salon, hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz. 


This month's starting point is Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen.

I did try a few different paths, but I kept on coming back to one word and one unlikely connection which was Bruce from Finding Nemo


So, my first link is to 20000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne which features Captain Nemo 

I recently read another another book by Jules Verne, Around the World in Eighty Days.

Another person who went around the world was Jessica Watson when she attempted a solo navigation around world at the age of 16, so my next book is True Spirit: The Aussie Girl Who Took On The World.

If you hear the name Watson, I can't think of the phrase "elementary my dear Watson" so my next book is A Study in Scarlet, the first Sherlock Holmes book by Arthur Conan Doyle.

My next link is to Poison Study by Maria V Snyder, both because of the word Study and the fact that the woman on the cover is wearing a red dress, and it's also the first in a series.

And speaking of a red dress, my last choice this month is I Wish I Had a Red Dress by Pearl Cleage 

Next month's starting point is Hydra by Adriana Howell. I think I already know what my first link might be. Just need to make it work for the whole chain now!

Will you be joining us?


  1. We watched True Spirit on Netflix and thought it was a great inspirational, family film!

  2. Beautifully done chain here! I have a very old copy of Around the World in 80 Days that I keep meaning to read (it is on my Classics Club Spin list), but I've seen all the movie/TV series versions. I'd also like to try Arthur Conan Doyle some day.

    1. The book was different to what I expected based on what I had seen from the TV series.

  3. Very sad about jessica watson's fella - died so young!

  4. I have found all the Jules Verne books to be as compelling now as they were when they were first published.

    It's always fun to see where the six-degrees-of-separation takes you.

    1. There was some outdated attitudes but that is to be expected. Otherwise, still fun!

  5. I'm putting "True Spirit" on my TBR list.

    1. I hope that you enjoy it if you read it.

  6. I love the 6 degrees connections. What an interesting path. It's been so long since I read Jules Verne. I should do a re-read someday :) Have a great week!

  7. That is so cool how you link those up. I can never get the hang of it!

    1. I occasionally get stuck but change one book and suddenly you have a whole new direction!

  8. Lovely! I especially thought your Nemo link great fun. I loved Around the World in 80 Days and Holmes stories are my favourites to keep going back to.

    1. I wasn't sure if I should go with the Bruce link or not but in the end though what the heck!

  9. I had a lot of posts to do this weekend so I still haven't decided if I will do this one or not.

  10. I've got my 6 degrees about half done and got stuck, so put it aside hoping inspiration will strike. We'll see. :) These are a great mix of books!
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

    1. I'll send inspiration your way Terrie!

  11. A brilliant chain, Marg! Who would've thought of linking Bruce Springsteen to Finding Nemo?

  12. Thanks for stopping by Vicki!
