Sunday, May 14, 2023

Sunday Salon: Historical Fiction Reading Challenge - April Stats


Last year I started sharing statistics each month for the Historical Fiction Reading Challenge, and my plan is to continue to do this again this year. I always find it interesting to see what are the books that people are reading and reviewing! This month I haven't had time to come and comment on all the reviews, but I will try to do that this week. I am, however, starting a new job, so time and tiredness might affect my ability to see everyone. We'll see.

In terms of the books, it was another really good month for reviews with 84 reviews linked up for the challenge, shared by 22 participants. This is 3 more than for the same month last year. There were 77 individual titles reviewed, written by 74 different authors. There were 7 reviewers who reviewed 5 or more books each. Thank you to everyone who shared their links whether it be 7 or just 1. I even managed three reviews. Go me!

Let's move onto the books. There were 7 books that were reviewed twice during April. I think that is the most books we have had which have been reviewed more than once in a month!

Good Town by Mary Louise Wells was reviewed by both Susan at Reading World and Shirley McAllister over at Goodreads.

A new book from Kate Morton is very exciting to me so it is no surprise to see more than one review for Homecoming, which was released this month. Both Tracey at Carpe Librum and Shelleyrae from Book'd Out linked up their reviews. I do, however, happen to know of at least one more review which was counted to the challenge but not linked up. I am looking forward to reading this one myself.

Rivers of Treason by K J Maitland is the third book in the Daniel Pursglove mystery series which is set in the 17th century. This was reviewed at both What Cathy Read Next and at She Reads Novels.

The next book to be reviewed twice was Sparkling Cyanide by Agatha Christie which was reviewed at Shellie Loves Books and at Laura's Reviews.

The House is on Fire by Rachel Beanland was reviewed at Becky's Reviews and also at Laura's Reviews. At first, I didn't recognise this author's name until I saw the cover and that she wrote Florence Adler Swims Forever

The War Nurses by Anthea Hodgson is a book that I need to read in the next couple of weeks, and I can't wait! I am somewhat familiar with the true story it is based on so it will be great to read how the author has treated the story. The book was reviewed by Shelleyrae at Book'd Out and Bree from All the Books I Can Read

The final book that was reviewed twice this month was Under the Cover of Mercy by Rebecca Connolly which was reviewed by Shirley at Goodreads and Davida at The Chocolate Lady's Book Review Blog.

There was one author who had 3 reviews this month. I have mentioned above that Sparkling Cyanide was reviewed twice, but in addition to this, there was another Christie book reviewed by Laura's Reviews which was The Moving Finger.

There were two other authors who had two individual titles reviewed. Roberta Kagan had the first two books of her Blood Sisters series. The first book is The Pact which was reviewed at Rosepoint Publishing. The second book is My Sister's Betrayal which was reviewed by Shirley at Goodreads

Lastly, Barbara at Stray Thoughts reviewed two books by Roseanna M White. Ring of Secrets is the first book in the Culper Ring series (reviewed here). Whispers from the Shadows is the second book in the same series and it was reviewed here.

It's not too late to join the 2023 Historical Fiction Reading Challenge. The sign up post is here, and you can find the March linky to add your reviews here.

I am looking forward to seeing what people share during May.

I am also sharing this post with Sunday Salon, hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz.


  1. I havent read many historical novels lately, being busy with writing reviews and reposting reviews for AAPI heritage month - May.

  2. It's wonderful that you have had such a good response to your Historical Fiction Challenge. I found myself reading a book of historical fiction recently. Perhaps I need to join and post my review. It was an unusual setting and a strong read.

  3. The Maitland series looks interesting!! I will have to check it out!

  4. These all look good but The War Nurses would fit in well with some other things that I'm doing.

  5. I've been on an Agatha Christie jag this year. Adding Sparkling Cyanide to my list.

  6. I’m sure you will love both Homecoming and The War Nurses.

    Wishing you a great week of reading

  7. I look forward to this each month. Thanks for taking time from your busy schedule to give us the stats! And good luck with the new job :)

  8. I love seeing these stats - so many good books to add to my list!!
