Sunday, June 11, 2023

Sunday Salon: Historical Fiction Reading Challenge - May statistics


Each month I share the statistics for the previous month for the Historical Fiction Reading Challenge. I always find it interesting to see what are the books that people are reading and reviewing! This month I have visited most of the reviews that have been linked up. Hopefully I can get to the rest over the weekend. 

In terms of the books, it was another really good month for reviews with 84 reviews linked up for the challenge, shared by 22 participants. This is 19 more reviews than for the same month last year. There were 81 individual titles reviewed, written by 75 different authors. There were 7 reviewers who reviewed 5 or more books each. Thank you to everyone who shared their links whether it be 7 or just 1. 

Let's move onto the books. There were 3 books that were reviewed twice during May. Interestingly, one of these books was also on our most reviewed list for last month, which is quite unusual. 

The three books that were reviewed twice were

Homecoming by Kate Morton - This was actually one of the books that was featured last month. Seeing the same book two months in a row doesn't actually happen very often. This month the book was reviewed by Bree from All the Books I Can Read and by Helen at She Reads Novels

The Castle Keepers by Aimee K Runyan, J'Nell Ciesielski and Rachel McMillan - Whenever I am doing these statistics I am never sure whether to count books with multiple authors as one author or three in this case. I seem to have landed on one for now. This book, which follows the lives of multiple generations who live in a castle was reviewed by Davida at The Chocolate Ladies Book Reviews and by Shirley on Goodreads. Each story is written by one of the authors.

The Letter Reader by Jan Casey was reviewed by Shirley on Goodreads and also by Cathy at What Cathy Read Next. This book sounds very interesting as it features someone who worked as a censor during WWII. I have never thought about the people who did this work!

There were a number of authors who were reviewed more than once but for separate titles

I was interested to see D E Stevenson reviewed 4 times this month. Barbara at Stray Thoughts review two Miss Buncle books (Miss Buncle's Book and Miss Buncle Married).  Carol from Journey and Destination reviewed The English Air and Spring Magic

It will be no surprise to regular participants to see that there were multiple reviews for Agatha Christie. This month the books reviewed were Death on the Nile which was reviewed at Laura's Reviews and Towards Zero which was reviewed at Shellie Loves Books
Daphne du Maurier

The final author to have multiple books reviewed is Martin Edwards, author of the Rachel Savanake series. Bev at My Reader's Block reviewed Blackstone Fell, which is the third book in the series whilst Cathy at What Cathy Read Next reviewed Sepulchre Street which is the fourth book in the series.

It's not too late to join the 2023 Historical Fiction Reading Challenge. The sign up post is here, and you can find the June linky to add your reviews here.

I am looking forward to seeing what people share during June. Next month, in addition to the normal monthly stats, I will share some stats at the halfway point of the challenge for this year. I know, I can't believe it either!

I am also sharing this post with Sunday Salon, hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz.


  1. Yeah for us reading more books than last year. I try to aim for two a month, and I hit more than that thanks to new releases. (Sadly, I'll be under my goal for June, thanks to non-historical fiction new releases.)

  2. I'm happy to hear that historical fiction challenge participation is up from last year.

    The Letter Reader is a fresh take on WWII historical fiction, I think.

    I was able to participate last month, and I have several more historical fiction books I hope to read this year.

  3. Like the cover and title of the Homecoming novel. I might look it up. Have a good week.
