Sunday, July 30, 2023

Sunday Salon/Paris in July: Bestsellers Around the World - France


Over the last few years I have had a infrequent feature called Bestsellers Around the World. The idea was that I would take a look at the bestsellers list for that week and compare it to the Australian bestsellers list. It turned out it could be quite challenging and so despite my best intentions I haven't kept it going, although I do roll it out every now and again.  For one of my final posts in this year's Paris in July, I thought I would revive it and share a list of the books the readers of Paris are reading at the moment based on the bestseller list at Sens Critique!

Il nous restera ça by Virginie Grimaldi (We Will Have This) - I reviewed another of Grimaldie's books earlier this week. I will read her again. She has appeared on this list everytime I have done this type of post

Sur La Dalle by Fred Vargas (On the Slab) - Book number 12 in the Commissaire Adamsberg mystery seriesJamais plus by Colleen Hoover (Never Again) - This is the first book in the It Ends With Us series. I remember looking in a books shop in The Netherlands and her books were at the top of the list there too!

Jamais Plus by Colleen Hoover (Never Again) - I guess Tik Tok is all over the world! I remember seeing some of Colleen Hoover's books on the bestsellers shelf in The Netherlands when I was there earlier this year too! This is the first book in the It Ends With Us series

La Faiseuse d'étoiles: Unicef by Melissa Da Costa (The Star Maker) - This is another author who has appeared on this list over the last couple of years. Maybe I will see if I can find her to read for next year's Paris in July. The proceeds of this book all go to Unicef

Mon mari by Maud Ventura (My Husband) 
- This book won France's First Prize Novel in 2021

Tout le bleu du ciel by Mélissa Da Costa (All the Blue of the Sky)  - When Emile is diagnosed with early onset alzheimers at the age of 36, he decides that he wants to take one last trip.

Labyrinthes by Franck Thilliez (Labyrinths) - This author was in last years list too but with a different book!

Kilomètre zéro Le Chemin du bonheur by Maud Ankaoua (Kilometre Zero: The Way to Happiness) - Maelle joins her friend on a healing journey to Nepal. This was on last years list too!

Les Douleurs fantômes by Melissa Da Costa (The Phantom Pains) -

Une Belle Vie by Virginie Grimaldi (A Beautiful Life) - Yes, another Virginie Grimaldi book in the top 10.

In some ways it looks like the lists are pretty stable but when I started this post last week Toshikazu Kawaguchi had a book in the list but now it isn't even in the top 30. Having said that, two of these books were on last years list so it doesn't change that much! This is my third year of doing this feature and there are several names which have come up multiple times now including Melissa Da Costa, Virginie Grimaldi and Franck Thilliez. 

You can see my previous posts here:

July 2022

July 2020

I always find these posts interesting

I am also sharing this post with Sunday Salon hosted at Readerbuzz.


  1. What a great idea for a post! I can see how the research for it might be a bit difficult, but some of those books sound really interesting! Are you going to read any?
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

    1. I have read a Virginie Grimaldi book recently and I will read more!

  2. Looking at French bestsellers is a great idea for Paris in July. These are not at all what the participants are reading, for the most part. Fred Vargas was on Paris in July lists a couple of years ago, and I did read one or two -- I might try the newest one.
    best, mae at

    1. I wonder why it is that what we are reading doesn't reflect the bestsellers, especially seeing as some of authors are appearing regularly.

  3. I'd love to read the Grimaldi book. Wish I had enough time!

    Happy reading week.

    Harvee at

    1. I read one Grimaldi book and I will read more Harvee

  4. Mon Mari sounds good. Added to my list. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like Kilomètre zéro or Tout le bleu du ciel by Mélissa Da Costa are available in English yet. Waaaahhhhh.

    1. Melissa Da Costa seems to have been translated into other languages but not into English..yet.

  5. Great idea of post, but I think there's an issue with some copy and paste a couple times in the post, where sentences don't seem to fit.
    I have read Sur la dalle, and all the previous books in the Adamsberg series, Vargas is amazing. I also enjoy a lot Thilliez, I have read a lot by him, but finally decided it was getting too dark, even though his books and plots are just brilliant.

    1. The order changed between when I started this post and when I changed it!

  6. I'm fascinated with what people are reading around the world, and I'm always curious about why some books are translated into English or they are not. There are so many good books that never appear outside their countries of origin because of translation problems, I bet.

    1. I am sure that there are many amazing books that we will never know about Deb!

  7. Nice list, I have not read any of these authors. I'm trying to improve my French and some contemporary fiction would probably be a good idea.

    1. I am trying to start learning French again Lory! Good luck with your reading!
